Freshman Orientation For Class Of 2026

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Lee's Corner High School

Lee's Corner, Connecticut

Tiffany was nervous about her Freshman orientation. She was about to start high school, within two weeks time. Her mom tried comforting her, and assured her she would do fine. She dropped her off at the school, and drove off. She saw the steps that led into the building.

Tiffany walked up the steps, and into the school. The lockers were on both sides of the hallways. She proceeded to the auditorium, where the Freshman orientation would be taking place. She sat down next to a red hair girl, with freckles, and blue eyes.

A middle aged woman walked onto the stage, and spoke into the mic. "Greetings, Class Of 2026! My name is Mrs. Hash, and I am the school principal, of Lee's Corner High! Let me be the first to welcome you here! Some students from the Class Of 2023, will guide you today! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!"

"High school is gonna be pure torture!" said the redhead.

"I think I'll fit in just fine," said Tiffany, a small smile forming on her face. The entire Class Of 2026 went to the cafeteria to eat. There was Domino's Pizza to eat. Tiffany ate some, and was starting to get some good vibes about everything.

Maybe, high school wasn't gonna be as bad after all.

This story was written on Monday, August 15th, 2022.

A/N Tiffany seemed nervous at first, but it now appears she will fit in just nicely! The Class Of 2026 will start school on the 31st! 😊 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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