Just Steven And Ken At The Apartment

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Steven: This blows. Emma's in Washington State, and all the teens are at home where they belong.

Ken: Of course! Its a school night!

Steven: They're supposed to meet some new Freshmen tomorrow?

Ken: Hopefully.

Steven: And, we'll be the only one's here during Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Ken: Yup! Emma won't be coming home, unfortunately.

Steven: Who am I supposed to pick on now?

Ken: How about yourself? *walks into the bathroom to brush his teeth*

Steven: *sighs and eats a bag of Salsa Verde Doritos*

This story was written on Tuesday, August 30th, 2022.

A/N Yes, its just Steven and Ken at the apartment from here on in! And, when Ken should leave to go out of town, Steven will be alone! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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