Steven Looks Forward To His Birthday Next Month

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Steven: Can't wait for my birthday!

Charlotte: When is it?

Steven: September 6th. I want a Playstation 5!

Charlotte: Do you even know how much they cost?

Steven: 100 bucks, duh!

Owen: They cost more than that!

Iris: He wanted one for Christmas, last December, so that's why he wants a PS4 so bad for his birthday.

Owen: He never got it for Christmas?

Iris: Nope.

Steven: Someone write me a check!

Colin: No way, man! You want a PS5, you got to earn it!

Brandon: Facts!

This story was written on Thursday, August 18th, 2022.

A/N Steven, yes your birthday is next month, but why do you care so much about a stupid game console? 🙄 Worst case scenario, you may have to wait till Christmas just to get it! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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