Brandon Talks To Bob While At 5 Guys

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5 Guys

Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Brandon: *eating a bacon cheeseburger, with ketchup, mustard, mayo and tomato, and drinking a chocolate Oreo cream shake*

Bob Kimball: *eating a bacon cheeseburger with ketchup, mayo, tomato, and onions, and drinking a grape Sprite* So, what's been on your mind, Brandon?

Brandon: I'm just sad, that Emma is leaving soon. For college. *drinks his shake*

Bob Kimball: I see. How long have you been friends with her?

Brandon: Since 2019. *mouth full*

Bob Kimball: *drinks his soda* What airport is she flying out of to get to Washington State?

Brandon: Bradley International Airport, in Windsor Locks. I think she's catching the 10 am flight. *sighs sadly*

Bob Kimball: Don't feel so blue, Brandon. Its just a part of life. We tend to drift further apart. That's how it is. Try not to let it phase you.

Brandon: I'll try. *drinks his shake again*

Bob Kimball: Do you have any good memories with her? *takes another bite of his burger*

Brandon: When we always sat together for lunch in school. We would always tell jokes, and whatnot. And, she welcomed me to high school with open arms. She helped me get out my shell. And, she would help me with my locker combination. And, she always stood up for me, when this girl bullied me.

Bob Kimball: That's fantastic! Any other memories?

Brandon: *laughs* Well, she was dressed as a ballet dancer, and was chasing Steven for Halloween, last October!

Bob Kimball: *laughs* That's hilarious! You two have a strong friendship! One that can never be broken!

Brandon: True! *sighs sadly again* But, she's about to leave. I am gonna miss her so much.

Bob Kimball: I know exactly how you feel.

This story was written on Saturday, August 20th, 2022.

A/N Brandon and Bob having a casual conversation at 5 Guys! Brandon is really gonna miss Emma! I don't blame him! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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