Iris Is Finally Out Of Camp!

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Iris: Its all over!!! No more summer camp!!

Brian: That's fantastic news, Iris!!!

Emma: Exactly!! You don't have to put up with those bratty kids anymore!!

Iris: Nope! That's a weight off my shoulders!

Brandon: Good! *thinks about next Friday and sighs sadly*

Colin: You okay, dude?

Brandon: Yeah, I'm okay.

Iris: I'm free!!! No more being a camp counselor!

Steven: I knew you'd blow it!

Kyle: Shut it! At least she tried!

This story was written on Friday, August 19th, 2022.

A/N Yes!!! Iris is finally out of camp!!!!! That's a weight off her shoulders!! 😀 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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