Austin's Birthday Is Tomorrow!

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Colin: Austin, isn't your birthday tomorrow?

Austin: Yes it is. I want to celebrate my birthday at Empire Pizza.

Colin: The pizza place on Main St?

Austin: Yes.

Colin: Okay, we can go there!

Steven: *coughs to trigger Austin*

Austin: Stop it!!! Don't do that!! *flaps his arms and covers his ears* No more! No more!

Colin: What's your problem, jerk?

Steven: I was just messing with him!

Colin: Back off! You triggered him! You do that again, and I'll have Charlotte beat you up!

Austin: *still covering his ears* Is it over?

Colin: You okay, buddy?

Austin: Yeah.

This story was written on Tuesday, August 30th, 2022.

A/N Tomorrow is Austin's birthday!! He'll be 23! Can anyone guess his birth year! ;) Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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