Chapter 1: Sad Angel

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Hi, welcome to my new story! I decided to skip a sequel of Destiny Rules and start something new. I've always been infatuated by what happened between Stevie and Lindsey during 2011-2013. This one will explore that a bit. The first four chapters of this story will be set during the recording of Extended Play before going into the 2013 tour. Hope you enjoy!

Extended Play Recording, 2012

Stevie let out a huge breath she didn't realize she was holding as her heel hit the pavement of Lindsey Buckingham's driveway. She took a sip from the coffee tumbler in her hand, desperately hoping the caffeine would both energize her and quell her nerves for what was about to come. For the first time in a long time, she wished she had a cigarette or joint to smoke right now. She needed something, anything, to take the edge off.

It was day one of joining Lindsey in his studio, or "bunker," as he called it, to put down vocals on Fleetwood Mac's upcoming 'Extended Play'. Lindsey, Mick, and John had already been working in the studio together without Stevie while she took time to grieve the loss of her mother. They had high hopes to record more together this year, but with Barbara Nicks' unexpected passing at the end of 2011, Stevie could barely manage to get herself out of the house, let alone feel creative enough to work again.

"Do we ring the bell?" Her assistant Karen's voice broke her thoughts as she scurried around the car to shut Stevie's door and grab another bag from her hand.

"I guess," Stevie shrugged, "Did you remember the tray of cookies?"

"Yes, and those stupid little pastries you wanted for Buckingham too," Karen rolled her eyes.

Before Stevie could respond, the front door swung open to reveal an all-too-eager Lindsey trying to hold back a smile at the sight of Stevie in his driveway. His eyes met hers as she and Karen made their way to the front door, and immediately she felt herself tear up. Lindsey had been a rock for her since her mom died, an overbearingly nurturing and sweet side to him that she hadn't seen in decades re-emerging as he tried to be there for her. He loved Barbara dearly, hell he had known her since the late 60s and she'd been almost like a second mother to him. But watching how fragile Stevie turned over the loss of her nearly broke his heart, he felt a protective feeling for her he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Hi angel," his voice was soft as he pulled her into his arms.

"Hi," she whispered back, her lips immediately against his ear as he held her tightly in his arms.

She surrendered to the feeling of him holding her closely, his hands grasping around her frame as his face nestled into her hair, breathing her in like they'd been separated for years. In reality, it had only been a month or so.

"I'm so glad you're here," he whispered against the nape of her neck, "How are you?"

Karen watched on uncomfortably as the scene in front of her seemed to drag on. She was used to pretending to overlook her boss' strange interactions with her ex, but here in the doorway of Lindsey's home she was truly unable to escape these two's behavior - no matter how hard she pretended to look at her phone. When they continued to linger in one another's arms, she cleared her throat.

"Sorry, Karen, hello to you too," Lindsey smiled as he pulled back from Stevie's embrace.

"Hello Lindsey."

Stevie grinned at her assistant's subtle attitude, "We brought some sweets for you," she looked to Lindsey with a smile, suddenly eager to baby him right back now.

"Oh, you did?" He teased.

She nodded, wearing a bashful grin like a teenager flirting with her first crush. Karen's eyeroll didn't go unnoticed, but Lindsey was far too excited to be reunited with Stevie to care right now. As he pulled her back into his arms playfully, another interruption broke them from their sweet reunion bubble—his wife Kristen stepping into the foyer now.

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