Chapter 11: Friendly Skies

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Stevie sat up in bed, her naked body wrapped in layers of sheets, as she watched Lindsey pour them each a cup of coffee across the room. Her heart nearly burst at the domesticity of it all. When they woke not long ago, she was met with his lips covering her bare shoulder with kisses, their bodies still intertwined from a night of deep sleep.

"What?" He grinned, looking up to find her staring at him.

"Am I not allowed to stare at the sexy man pouring me coffee?"

"Sexy man?" He grinned with a blush, "Go on..."

She giggled, falling back against the pillows as her nose scrunched up like it always did. He walked over to the side of her bed, placing a mug filled with steaming hot coffee into her hands as he kissed her once more.

"A very sexy man," she repeated, her lips pulling him back into her as he started to stand back up, "Who knew exactly how to pleasure me last night," her voice got lower as she teased him.

"Oh really?" He questioned, a familiar stirring in his boxers as her raspy words sent chills down his arms.

"Yes, really. Mmm, I missed my big, strong man," she grinned, using her lips to keep him where he was as her hands held onto the cup of scalding hot coffee.

"And what did you miss about him?" He played along, his ego still needing to be stroked by her after all these years. They fed off each other's compliments and critiques with rigor.

"Hmmmm," she pretended to think as their faces lingered before one another, his body still crouched down over the side of the bed as he stood next to it, "I missed his hot, needy kisses, his big, strong hands that know exactly how to touch me," she paused, her tongue snaking out to run itself over his bottom lip, "His pulsing, hard cock that gives it to me just right," she whispered.

"Goddamnit, Stevie," he groaned, taking the mug from her hands and placing it on the side table hurriedly before pushing her down against the mattress, causing her to giggle. Her plan had worked perfectly.

Sidetracked by another round of lovemaking, they both tried to catch their breath nearly a half hour later as they collapsed on top of one another. She sighed as his fingertips trailed up and down her back, going back and forth from the dip of her waist to the curve of her hips.

"Is it possible we've gotten better at that?" He asked.

She giggled, "I think we may have."

"Let's stay in this bed forever."

"Karen will be coming by for my wakeup call soon," she sighed, "I've got to get back to my own room."

"Noooo," he protested, his lips biting their way down her neck desperately, eliciting a moan from the back of her throat. "We don't leave til tomorrow, what could you possibly have to do today?"

She shrugged, "Interviews I think? I can't remember."

"Cancel them," he demanded, his teeth now tracing her earlobe, "How can I convince you to stay here with me all day instead?"

"Hmmm," she pretended to ponder, a devilish smile on her lips, "Let me see if I can think of a way...."

~~April 20, 2013~~

Stevie grinned at Lindsey from across the plane, a sly smile grazing her lips as he watched her closely. They spent all of yesterday and last night in bed, kissing, whispering, making love, and ordering room service. They talked about everything and nothing. Most importantly, they expertly avoided talking about what any of this meant between them.

"Stevie," Mick called to her again, "Where were you last night? I came by your room but you weren't there."

"Oh," her head snapped up, all eyes suddenly on her, "I went out for a little walk," she lied.

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