Chapter 2: Miss Fantasy

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Lindsey managed to buy himself some time before letting Stevie hear the next song. He was nervous about playing the "Miss Fantasy" demo for her - completely unsure of how she would react to some of the not-so-subtle lyrics. But she was easy to distract and go off on a tangent, and they suddenly found themselves reminiscing about their dramatic trip to Aspen that led to Stevie writing Landslide in the 70s.

"And then this asshole left me stranded there," Stevie rolled her eyes, pointing to Lindsey.

"Well, that's only because you screamed at me at the top of your lungs to never speak to you again. Right before throwing something at me, if I may add."

She smiled apologetically, "We were two young and stupid kids in love. And we were really at our wit's end then, so desperate to make it. We both behaved very badly."

"I was stupid to leave you there," he took her hand in his, kissing her fingertips gently.

"Well I got you back for it eventually, didn't I?" She smiled sadly.

"Stevie," Karen interrupted, suddenly desperate to veer things back on track after thirty minutes of these two talking her ear off and getting not one thing accomplished, "I have that conference call with the Warner's team in ten minutes. I'll step outside to take it so I don't interrupt the next songs and hold you up even more."

"Oh right, thanks Kar!"

Lindsey was suddenly grateful for Karen's exit, the thought of it being just he and Stevie alone when he played "Miss Fantasy" for her alone was much less intimidating. As soon as she left the door, Stevie turned to him promptly with a smirk.

"If you don't play me that damn song, Lindsey," she threatened jokingly. 

"Okay, before I start this one, I just want to say that it's more of an abstract view looking back at things between the two of us...well, it was inspired by a dream I had actually....that I..."

"Linds," she laughed when he kept faltering his words, "Since when do you have to explain your lyrics to me? It's okay, just play it. I'm sure I will be able to understand."

He sighed, nodding and flipping the switch on the soundboard before taking a seat next to her on the couch timidly.

I had another dream of you last night /Sailing on a sea of blue 

You were grieving for someone else / I was grieving for you

She looked to him with a sad, soft smile as she listened to the lyrics, not expecting to hear those lines about grieving for her mom. His hands nervously spun around each other in his lap while he waited for it to continue. As the chorus began, she bit her lower lip, her eyes laser-focused on her lap as she listened and tried to avoid eye contact with him beside her.

Miss fantasy/ It may be you don't remember me / But I remember you

Stevie was doing everything in her power to appear completely unaffected by the words, but to say the nature of this song surprised her would be an understatement. She hadn't remembered the last time Lindsey had been so blatantly outright about his feelings or desires toward her, especially not since he'd been married.

And do you still tremble when I fall?

Will you still answer when I call?

Would you still love to linger up against the wall?

After vehemently avoiding eye contact with him, her gaze quickly shot up to his face as she heard the words, a noticeable look of surprise on her face. He nervously bit his lip, his knee now bouncing up and down anxiously as the song played on. Once it stopped, a sheet of silence draped over the entire studio, the two of them sitting blankly side by side as Stevie tried to process everything.

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