Chapter 3: It Takes Time

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Fleetwood Mac Extended Play Recording, Day 2

"I see we have very definitions of what an early start is," Lindsey groaned as he opened his front door.

"It's 2:00, Lindsey, how early do you expect me to get here?!" She rolled her eyes, handing him a bag as she hurried through the front door frazzled, her tiny dog Sulamith in hand.

"And you brought a guest."

"Sula wanted to come watch today," she chirped, planting a kiss on the small dog's head.

"No Karen today?" He raised his brow, he didn't want to get his hopes up too high at the chance to be alone with her in the studio.

"She had to go to a meeting then run a few errands, she will be back in a couple hours."

"So you're here with no parental supervision, wow," he teased.

A giggle escape her lips as she playfully shoved him, "Shut up."

He laughed and pulled her along with him, leading the way out to his studio. The house was quiet, and Stevie searched around curiously for any signs of his wife as they walked through the rooms. Noticing her, he smiled a bit, "Kristen is at a doctor's appointment," he explained. She nodded casually, trying to act like she wasn't wondering.

As they walked into the studio, Lindsey guided them over to a table where he set her things, Sulamith immediately running around and sniffing everything. Once he put her bags down, he finally turned to take a better look at her. She looked different today, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Her hair was curlier, or maybe it was straighter? As he studied her, he couldn't decide, her skin and face practically glowing. Maybe she did something different with her makeup?

"What?" She asked impatiently, hand on her hip.

"Nothing," he shook his head quickly, "You look good, that's all."

She blushed, "Is that such a rare occurrence these days?" She joked.

"Never. Just...something's different today."

She laughed, "I braided my hair last night, so the waves are a little different today."

"I like it."

Instead of saying thank you, she nervously brushed it off and distracted herself with Sulamith, pretending the dog needed her attention. Lindsey smiled to himself, some things never changed - her bashfulness around compliments was always one of them.

"So I thought we could start with Miss Fantasy vocals today," he handed her a lyric sheet with her lines to review.

Sitting down, she read over it intently, noting some of the lines he drew along the page. "I think we should both sing this part too, it will sound better with two-part harmonies on that verse," she hurriedly drew along the edges of Lindsey's notes, adding her own revisions.

He eyed her curiously with a grin, "I thought you didn't want to sing that line?"

"What line?"

"'Linger up against a wall?! I'm not singing that line, Lindsey!'" He mocked her words from the previous day jokingly.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm a professional, okay? It's about what will make the song better."

He bit his lip, trying to hold back an even bigger smile from taking over his face. Noticing him, she scoffed, "What?"

"Nothing at all," he failed impressively at hiding his smile, "Maybe you do like that line after all."

"You really want to start today by playing with fire?"

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