Chapter 34: If Every Second Was Forever

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October 25, 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The soft knock came at his hotel door just a couple hours after checking in. He knew it was her before even answering it. The last three weeks had flown by faster than any of them expected, he and Stevie spending many of the nights together, many days exploring foreign cities, and many of the hours pretending the clock wasn't ticking. There were moments they all spent time together as a band, but it was the time the two of them had alone that had been on repeat in his mind.

"Hey," he smiled opening the door to find her standing there, looking even tinier than usual in the doorway.

"Hi," she whispered up at him, "Can I come in?"

"Of course," he stepped to the side, ushering her in by taking her hand in his.

She seemed even quieter than she had earlier on their flight, if that was possible. He watched as she wandered through the room slowly, looking around and stopping to sit down on the sofa. Fidgeting with his hands nervously, he made his way over to sit beside her.

"Are you okay?"he asked.


"You don't seem it."

She shrugged with a sad smile, "Just the last city...lots of emotions. Two days until we go home."

"Hey," he whispered, grabbing her arms in his hands and pulling her into him, nestling a kiss on her cheek, "It doesn't have to end here."

She looked up at him with a glare, "Lindsey."


"Please don't start this argument on our second to last night. You know that's not fair to suggest."

"I'm sorry," he sighed, "I just...I don't know how to fix this. And I really want it to be okay."

"You can't fix this," she sighed, her fingers running over his knuckles, "There's nothing to fix. I just want to spend the night with you, is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay," he sighed, reaching out to peck her lips with his, "You know you don't have to ask."

"I was thinking... a bubble bath, room service, a bottle of wine maybe..."

"Oh were you now?" He grinned widely, his brow raised, "And just how long have you been thinking of all this?"

The giggle that escaped her lips made his insides twist with pure joy, "Not long," she shrugged.

"Oh really?" He teased, his hands running up her waist, "Because that seems like a very, very romantic plan to just whip out on a whim, Miss Nicks."

"Lindseyyyyy," she laughed as his fingers tickled up and down her waist, "Cut it out."

"Make me."

She scoffed, pulling him by the t-shirt into her for a deep kiss, slipping her tongue in his mouth before he even had a chance to fully react. He groaned at the feeling of her grab him harder. "How about that?" She challenged pulling back.

"Yep, that worked," he laughed.

"So," she stood up, turning back to look at him, "Shall we order some dinner and wine to the room soon? Then we'll see about that bubble bath?"

"You," he pointed at her, "Are seriously going to get in a bathtub? With me?" He had a hard time believing this.

"I do take baths, you know."

"Yes but not with me anymore. Not since...god probably the 70s," he laughed.

"Don't think you can handle it, old man?"

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