Chapter 4: Without You

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About an hour later, they sat side by side in Lindsey's car as he drove her home - the late night feeling quiet all around them. They drove in silence, the radio playing softly in the background, the tension, sweetness, and chemistry from today still lingering in the air. He bit his lip as he felt her hand reach across the center console and place itself on his thigh gently, giving it a squeeze before lightly grazing up and down.

She didn't say a word, and he didn't dare interrupt her, but he couldn't help the stirring sensation he felt in his pants as her nails grazed higher and higher on his leg. He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose, but god her touch alone could send him.

"Stevie," he winced, looking at her from the corner of his eye.

"Hmmm?" Her voice was innocent, completely oblivious to the effect she was having on him.

"Watch your hand there, Miss Fantasy," he teased.

She looked over to him with a shocked smile, "Lindsey!" She laughed, quickly removing her hand, "Dirty mind."

He grinned up at her again, "If I recall, you have one too."

"Says the writer of Miss Fantasy himself."

"We had plenty of encounters in the backseats of limos and cars," he smiled, his eyes firmly planted on the road ahead of him, "I don't need to make up any fantasy, I've got the real memories."

"I don't recall a thing you're referring to," she lied, the corners of her mouth turned up.

As he pulled up to a red light, he turned to face her fully, a mischievous look in his eyes. "1975, our first limo ride to our first Mac show."

She bit her lip at the memory, of course she hadn't forgotten. The two of them had practically devoured each other in the backseat of the limo, acting as if they'd never touched before. She blushed simply thinking of it.

"That I may recall," she whispered with a smile, her teeth digging further into her bottom lip nervously.

It was unclear who made the first move, but seconds later, they were both leaning over the center console of the car, hungrily devouring each other's lips. A moan escaped Stevie's mouth as Lindsey's hands grabbed the sides of her face roughly, their tongues now slipping into one another's mouths for the first time in what felt like a very long time. From the reflection of the window, Lindsey saw the red light turn to green, but he couldn't bear to break away from this just set.

The sound of the breathy whimper that left her throat as he kissed her harder went straight to his cock - setting his whole body on fire. Suddenly, the car beeping loudly behind them broke them both apart.

"Fuck!" He gasped, turning to grab the steering wheel and step on the gas once again.

Stevie straightened herself out in the seat next to him, staying quiet as she quickly fixed her hair and smoothed her clothes. Her lipstick remained stained all over her face.

"What was that...." Her whisper broke the silence that had fallen over them once again.

He stayed quiet, his eyes remaining on the road. "I'm sorry," he finally apologized.

She shook her head, staring straight ahead at the road as if she were the one focused on driving, "No, don't be."

In the world's worst timing, they pulled into Stevie's driveway before another word could be said. As Lindsey put the car in park, they both remained quiet, unsure of what to say now. She played with her rings nervously, her fingers fidgeting in her lap.

"I don't know what came over me," she whispered, "This has just been a lot of emotions to relive these last few days."

"I know...we just got lost in the moment, that's all."

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