Chapter 17: You Can Go Your Own Way

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Stevie's leg bounced up and down rigorously, a combination of nerves and anger, as she sat in the makeup chair in her dressing room. There was an hour until they were due on stage for their set at Jazz Fest, and she'd just had the unfortunate displeasure of seeing the Buckinghams stroll past her room to get to Lindsey's a few doors down.

"Ready, Miss Nicks?" Lindsey had called out, and once Stevie's eyes went towards him, Kristen made sure to cling to her husband for dear life while gazing back at her.

"Aren't I always?" She hummed back.

The two didn't stop for chit chat, instead she and Kristen's eyes just lingered on one another as they shuffled by. The woman would never say it out loud, but she was making it clear as day for the reasoning behind her surprise visit. She felt threatened, annoyed even at the idea of Stevie getting closer to her husband. And so here she was, looking like she just stepped out of an equestrian convention, in the midst of their rock n roll world. She knew it was wrong, but Stevie wasn't going to let her think she was winning whatever this was.

"Where are you going?" Karen asked.

"I have to go grab Lindsey for a second."

"Stevie," she warned, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, it's just about the show!"

Her assistant knew far better than to ever believe her, but she was here to do her job so she simply groaned while watching her walk off. The cool air and chaos out in the hallway sent a rush of adrenaline through Stevie as she made her way to Lindsey's room, knocking on the door twice before he quickly opened it.

"Hey," his voice and face were both equally surprised to see her.

"Hey," she grinned.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I uh...I actually need help with my arrangement for New Orleans," she smiled, looking into his room as the door slowly trailed open.


"Kristen," she peeked her head into the room with a mischievous smile, "Sorry but I need to borrow your husband really quick before the show. Work stuff!"

Kristen's face paled, the look of composed anger not moving a muscle in her body, "Oh...okay then."

"I'll be back," Lindsey shrugged at his wife before following Stevie to her dressing room.

"Can we have the room for a second?" Stevie asked as she and Lindsey walked in to find a few people standing around.

It quickly cleared, Stevie and Lindsey exchanging bashful glances as everyone around them shuffled out. Once it was just the two of them, Stevie leaned across Lindsey's body to shut the door behind him, backing him up against it with a playful smirk.

"Hi there," she purred.

"You don't need any help with the New Orleans arrangement, do you?" He grinned.

She shook her head from side to side slowly, "Nope. Not at all."

He couldn't wipe the huge smile on his face as she ran her fingers across his chest, "God I love it when you're jealous."

"I am NOT jealous."

"Oh no?"

"No," she pouted, her nose rubbing against his teasingly.

"Could have fooled me," he nudged her with his nose now.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

She rolled her eyes before finally seizing his lips with her own, the tiny growl from the back of her throat filling the silence of the room. Pulling her tighter against him, Lindsey ran his hands up and down her body roughly, desperate to drink up every inch of her in this moment. For as long as they'd known each other, it was always him who was the jealous one. It was always him who was possessive and unable to help it. So on those rare occasions when she switched the rules and let her jealous side show? He simply couldn't get enough, her wanting to claim ownership over him like that was incredibly hot.

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