Chapter 27: Unexpected Announcements

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September 18, 2013, Los Angeles CA

Stevie twiddled her thumbs nervously in her lap, staring out the rain-covered window as her car headed towards the airport. For over six weeks, she'd been nervous about this day: the day where she would reunite with the band to continue their tour over in Europe. Ever since Lindsey showed up at her house unannounced that hot July afternoon, he'd abided her wishes and left her alone. Part of her was grateful for it, part of her still secretly longed for his calls at night.

"Mick's assistant just emailed that he's running late," Karen announced reading from her Blackberry, "Apparently John and Lindsey are both on the plane already."

"Oh good," she sighed blankly, her stare out the window unrelenting.

"You seem a little on edge....have you spoken to Lindsey?"

"I'm not!" Stevie quipped back defensively, "And I haven't, why would I?"

"I can pretend to not know the answer to that, or I can be real. Which would you prefer today?"

Stevie groaned, holding her temples in her hands, "Pretending would be great today, thanks."

Karen nodded, happily agreeing to her boss' wishes as their car pulled up to the tarmac. The band's plane stood waiting for them, Stevie's security jumping out to grab her bags and take them up to the plane. Stevie waited for Karen to meet her in front of the plane's staircase before ascending up and boarding.

"Welcome backkkk," Stevie announced as she stepped onto the plane, determined to pretend everything was okay and that the last time she saw Lindsey she wasn't pinned underneath him on her assistant's desk.

"There she is!" John turned around with a smile, "Looking well rested."

"Thank you," she smiled, "You look exhausted though honey, are you feeling okay?"

He shrugged, waving her off as he took a sip from the glass he was already holding. As she took another step further into the plane, her eyes met Lindsey's as he stood up from the corner upon hearing her. She paused for a moment, neither one of them quite sure how to greet the other.

"Hi Lindsey," she finally broke the silence.

"Hi Stevie," he smiled back, "Good to see you again."

"You too, you got tan," she studied him up and down, his bronzed skin showing off the fact that he likely spent his summer in the sun and pool. She hated that it looked so handsome against his gray hair.

"Lots of swimming," he shrugged, "Did you have a nice summer?"

She nodded meekly as he approached her with caution, wanting to hug her but not wanting to push the limits. "It was just the break I needed."

With a nod, he casually pulled her in for a hug - not letting his body linger too much against hers. Her breath caught in the back of her throat as he held her briefly before pulling back with a shy smile. "You look good," he could barely make eye contact as he whispered the words out hurriedly, nervously returning to his seat. "Thanks," she whispered back, trying to play off the compliment.

Twenty minutes later, Mick finally arrived and made his rounds over-excitedly greeting every body. Stevie was relieved when they finally took off, putting her headphones in and pretending to take a nap to escape any tension or awkward conversation with Lindsey. So far, their conversation had been fine - and she wanted to keep it that way as long as possible.

September 19, Dublin, Ireland

Lindsey paced the room impatiently as they all waited for Stevie to arrive. They'd only been in Dublin for 24 hours, but she managed to expertly avoid him, keeping her distance. Now, just an hour after they all finished rehearsals, the band gathered for what Mick and John mysteriously called an "impromptu band meeting." Lindsey had no idea what exactly that meant, and he didn't really have the patience to pretend he was interested right now either.

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