Chapter 26: A Slip of the Tongue

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July 27, 2013, Los Angeles, CA

Stevie brought a fresh pitcher of iced tea outside to the table, calling back into the house for Sulamith to hurry up and follow her out. It was a gorgeous summer day, the sun beaming down and the air hot - but not too insufferably hot to sit outside with an iced cold drink. Smoothing her flowy black dress out once more, she made herself comfortable in the chair as she sat back down.

"Hand me your glass," she smiled across the table.

"You're very bossy today," he grinned back at her, pinching her hand playfully as he obeyed her order by giving her his tall glass.

"Paul!" She squealed in laughter.

"Aren't you hot in all those black layers?"

"I don't know, am I?" She teased.

He laughed, "I walked right into that one. But you already know the answer to that."

She smiled, a blush spreading across her cheeks as she shook her head and poured them each a cool glass of iced tea. She had been home on break for three weeks now, and along with relaxing and catching up with family and friends, she had also been spending time with Paul. He was a welcomed distraction as she tried to put all memories and thoughts of Lindsey firmly in the back of her mind. While Lindsey was vacationing in Hawaii with his family, Stevie let Paul take her to dinner and drinks, enjoying the ease of an actual adult relationship that could go out in public.

Lindsey tried to call her twice from Hawaii. Both times, she didn't answer. What would have been the point? To only torture themselves some more? No, instead she did the right thing and surrounded herself with her girlfriends and family, and now occasionally Paul who made the perfect date and company. He was quiet and calm, patient with all her moods, quirks, and restlessness. He was sweet and funny, and Stevie finally made a move two nights before and kissed him for real again. It didn't go any further than a heated makeout, but she wondered if he planned to stay the night tonight.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, I have a dinner next week with some old colleagues. I was wondering...would you...well would you be interested in coming as my plus one?" He smiled nervously.

"Your plus one?" Her brows raised in that very specific way they always did when she was challenging someone.

"Too soon?" He laughed.


Before she could stutter on, she was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. "Who in the world is that?" She questioned, "I told Karen no visitors this weekend."

"This weekend was reserved exclusively for me, huh?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes playfully, "Don't flatter yourself."

Disappearing, she twirled around, her black layers of chiffon flowing behind her, as she made her way back into the house. The doorbell rang again and she groaned, "I'm coming!" as she hurried her way towards the door, briefly stopping to touch herself up in the mirror on the way. Looking through the peephole, her jaw dropped.

"Lindsey?" She questioned as she swung the door open.

"Aloha," he grinned sheepishly as he held a bag from Hawaii in his hand.

"What are you....what are you doing here?"

"I picked up a few souvenirs for you in Hawaii. And since you didn't answer my calls, I wanted to drop them off to you. Is this a bad time? I figured you'd be awake by now?" He shrugged, looking at his watch that read 5 PM.

"Oh," she stammered, "That's not a bad time but..."

Behind them, a voice interrupted, "Everything okay, sweetie?" Paul asked, coming into view.

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