Chapter 8: Well Hello, Mr. Buckingham

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A lot of these stage moments I'm including are from clips I found on Twitter and Youtube from the tour. Just FYI if some sound familiar, it's because they did happen IRL :)

April 8, 2013, New York City

"Well hello, Mr. Buckingham," her raspy voice teased him again just like the other day, only this time it was in front of thousands of people at Madison Square Garden.

He couldn't hide the giant grin taking over his face. He loved when she called him that. Somehow it was even better in front of thousands of people who were now screaming and whistling for them. "Well hello," he smiled.

"Well hello," she repeated, causing them both to laugh nervously, "Have you come to....fight the war?" He finished her sentence for her, the two of them harmonizing perfectly even in their playful banter.

It was hard to say what had changed, but this tour started off with nothing but love, flirtation, and jokes between the two of them. There was an ease in the air that hadn't been there in decades, maybe not since before they'd first broken up, and it was something neither of them was used to. As he watched her tell another story to the crowd, her face lighting up as she laughed at her own jokes, he had the sudden urge to run over and kiss her. He worried that this would all suddenly end, a catastrophic fight coming out of nowhere and ruining the pure bliss they were enjoying like it always did.

He thought about the other night and how he made a split decision to leave her hotel room before potentially doing something that would ruin the good thing they had going. Yes, the two of them shared several kisses over the last few months - something that had been triggered after her mom died. And yet even after she was through the hardest part of the grieving, even now that she was noticeably much happier and lighter, they still accidentally ended up sharing those close moments and stolen kisses.

He would be lying if he said he didn't want more to happen. Still, he kept trying to suppress every urge, thought, and fantasy that creeped its way into his head when she was near. They hadn't slept together since a few hiccups during the Say You Will tour, and they both swore that it would never happen again. As her hand found its way into his during their final bow that night, he once again let his mind wander.

"I am sweatingggg," she sighed against him as he guided her off stage, his arm stickily wrapped around her.

"Dripping sweat," he agreed.

"Tell them we need more air and ventilation up there," she instructed to one of the tech guys on the side who nodded eagerly.

"Bossy," he whispered against her ear, causing a smirk to break out on her face.

"You like it. I need to go get out of these clothes."

"Oh, do you need any help?" He teased, causing her to shoot him a look.

"Trust me, you do not want that job. Not a pretty sight."

He bit his lower lip, his eyes searing into her, "Now that, I know, is a lie."

She shook her head, holding back laughter as a light blush spread over her cheeks. With a playful shove, she pushed him away and turned to enter her own dressing room, turning back around to stick her tongue out at him before disappearing behind the door. The stupid grin stayed glued to his face.

~~~One Week Later, Toronto, ON~~~

Stevie tried desperately to find a comfortable position so she could get some rest. Her sleep schedule had been all over the place since the tour started, but when they landed in Toronto earlier today, she swore she was going to try to get a normal night of sleep before tomorrow's show. Instead, she tossed and turned, unable to even get any writing done, high from the adrenaline that was turning out to be this tour.

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