Chapter 9: Love in Boston

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April 18, 2013Boston, MA

Lindsey stared a little harder, desperate to get her attention from across the room. A large group of them sat backstage after soundcheck, gossiping over the antics that ensued on their last night in Toronto. Stevie, who wore two giant rollers in her hair, sat quietly in the corner as she listened to John and Mick go on and on. She was purposely trying not to meet Lindsey's eye, but she could feel his gaze from across the way.

"Stephanie Lynn Nicks!" Mick shouted, causing her to whip her head around.


"You're not listening to a word I've said."

She smiled, "Sorry, I'm off somewhere in la la land."

"Care to share your daydreams with the class?" He teased.

"You wish," she rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"Actually, Nicks, you owe me a nightcap tonight after the show," Mick continued on, "Remember you promised a pity drink for my divorce?"

Lindsey's eyes and ears shot up, not amused by the flirtatious tone Mick was suddenly taking on with Stevie. He wasn't going to lie, the fact that Mick had filed for divorce and was technically single now raised a tiny red flag in his mind before they left for tour. In his worst nightmares, he had visions of Mick and Stevie finding their way back together again — right under his nose.

"You're right, I did promise," Stevie's voice across the room broke his intrusive thoughts.

"I'll pick you up from your dressing room after the show then, it's settled," he grinned.

The rest of the room stayed quiet, nobody wanting to make the obvious joke out loud for fear that it may actually have some truth to it. Lindsey's blood boiled, the idea of Mick and Stevie hanging out alone after a show made him furious. He thought back to the other night when the two of them lay side by side watching TV and suddenly felt sick at the thought of her doing that with anyone else, especially Mick.

"Maybe I'll join," Lindsey's voice came out of nowhere, surprising everyone in the room.

Stevie raised her brow at him, finally looking in his direction, "Oh?" She knew exactly what he was doing. His jealousy was seeping through the entire room now.

"Inviting yourself mate?" Mick questioned accusingly, "I guess we'll let you join us then."

The tension that filled the room suddenly left a very long, awkward silence amongst everyone sitting in it. Annoyed, Stevie stood up and looked to Lindsey before heading towards the door, "I'm going to go get ready. See you all out there," she announced before slipping out. She knew Lindsey would follow minutes later, and of course she wasn't wrong.

"What the hell was that?" She asked when he made his way into the hall.

"What was what?"

"That. In there. You suddenly inviting yourself to Mick and I's dinner and making everything awkward."

"Why was that awkward?" He was committed to playing dumb.

"You have no right to be jealous, Lindsey."

"Who said I was jealous?"

"Everyone within a 20-mile radius could tell you were jealous," she scoffed.

He followed her into her dressing room in a tuff, the two of them visibly annoyed with each other. Sensing the tension in the air, Karen and Stevie's hairdresser both excused themselves from the room.

"How was that me being jealous?!" He asked again now that they were alone.

"Since when do you invite yourself to other people's hangouts?" She challenged.

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