Chapter 31: We Don't Have Forever

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September 26, 2013, London

Stevie stirred, feeling something tickle down her back in the bright morning light. Adjusting her body, she nearly jumped when she felt the presence of another body now pressed against her completely. Lindsey. All the memories of last night came flooding back: the playfulness at the bar, sending Christine home, Lindsey coming back to her room, and them spending half the night making love. Before she could process her thoughts, she felt his lips place a gentle kiss on the center of her back, trailing up to her neck delicately. She swallowed uneasily, trying to decide whether she should still pretend to be asleep or not.

"Lindsey," she whispered softly, her voice betraying her as she felt his lips suckle at the base of her neck.

He stayed quiet, afraid to say a word, afraid she may regret what they did last night. He couldn't possibly bear it. When he didn't say anything, she pushed her body further back into his, the warmth from her bare skin fully sticking to his - causing the corners of his lips to curl up. He pulled his lips back from her skin, and she immediately frowned at the loss of contact.

"Hey, who said you could stop?" She whined, her raspy voice sending a chill down his spine.

His hand grabbed at her bare hip, further pulling her naked body against his as his lips once again latched onto her bare shoulder. A tiny moan escaped her as she stretched back into him.

"Are you not speaking today?"

He chuckled, nibbling at her shoulder playfully, "I wasn't sure if you'd wake up and regret it," he admitted quietly.

She sighed, her hand reaching around to grab him, "So was your plan to just kiss me all over so I wouldn't regret it?"

"Pretty much."

She giggled, "Then don't stop."

He grinned, turning her head around to finally grab her lips, diving his body further into hers - if that was even possible. She moaned directly into his mouth, the sound immediately making his morning hardness even...harder. "Oh," she smiled as she felt it press against her backside. "Oh," he repeated teasingly, "That's what you do to me," he growled nibbling at her neck, his hands ravaging up and down her body sensually.

She still for a moment, pulling her lips back slightly, "I missed waking up with you like this," she admitted plainly, no evidence of joking or teasing in her voice. She said the words so honestly and softly, like she meant them from the bottom depths of her heart. For a moment, he thought his heart would burst. 

"I missed this so fucking much," he replied, looking into her eyes and pausing for a moment. They both felt it - the seriousness and weight behind the words she just admitted out loud. Suddenly, the playful banter of a few minutes ago was gone and he had to have her with all the intensity in the world.

In the midst of their intense gaze, he flipped their bodies so he lay on top of her - hungrily seizing her lips as she relished in the feeling of his weight atop her. He groaned as her legs wrapped around his hips, the heat of her center arching up desperately to meet his pelvis. There were about a million emotions running through him right now as his eyes seared through hers, a million feelings over what all of this meant. He knew she was feeling all the same things from the way she looked at him, the way she touched him with just as much hunger and intensity. 

Suddenly, he pinned her arms above her head on the mattress, pushing his hips down against hers with want. "Mine," he breathed into her lips. He was fully right, she thought as she surrendered below him, the heat going through her body hot enough to burn them both alive. Biting his lower lip just as territorially, she writhed below him, "Mine," she challenged back into his mouth.

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