Chapter 19: Shacking Up's All You Wanna Do

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May 10, 2013, Winnipeg, Canada

"Who wants to go out tonight?" Mick asked as the plane was about to land.

"Listen, we get you're having your divorce bachelor party time, but some of us are old and tired," John groaned as he looked out the window.

"Stevie will party with me," Mick smirked.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," she looked up from her journal, placing the pen down on the page as a placeholder.

"Please?" He pouted.

"Michael, didn't we come out here a day early so we could rest and get used to the time change before getting back on stage?"

"Oh come on, you know you're not going to be sleeping anyway, Nicks."

Stevie felt her cheeks blush as she met Lindsey's mischievous eyes across the aisle. She definitely wasn't planning to sleep, that was for sure, but Mick didn't need to know that.

"Really, I need my beauty rest," she whined.

"Lies. Since when do you sleep before 3 AM anyway?"

"I'm trying something new," she stammered.

"Well, looks like it's just you and me then, Lindsey."

Lindsey's eyes shot to Mick in a panic, he hadn't planned on that. "What?"

"You promised, remember?"

Stevie shot Lindsey a glare, his flustered expression indicating that he had, in fact, promised Mick —probably to shut him up — and then forgot about it. He sighed, shooting Stevie a pleading look.

"I'm kind of tired now, can we get a raincheck?" Lindsey asked hopefully

"Lindsey!" Mick groaned.

"Fine, how about we all go out for ONE drink when we get to the hotel?" Stevie chimed in, "You big baby. John, you're required to attend too. I'm sure the other guys will want to come too."

John grunted in his seat, not vocally objecting which meant he was in too. Sure, it wasn't exactly the night back that Stevie and Lindsey had planned, but one drink detour wasn't too big of a deal. They all seemed satisfied enough with the outcome and quickly headed out to the awaiting limos as soon as they landed.

In a turn that surprised no one, one drink quickly turned into two. A group of 8 of them sat gathered in the hotel bar lounge—not typically where they'd all go out, but everyone decided it was easiest and fastest for tonight. Lindsey's eyes were firmly planted on Stevie's leg as it bounced up and down slowly - the way she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs was painfully captivating him as she told a story. All night he'd been itching to touch her, it had been just 24 hours since he unexpectedly visited her at home, but he needed more.

"Anyway, I think it's getting to be my bedtime," she sighed, her words sparking Lindsey's ears up instantly.

"Well don't go up by yourself, one of us will walk you up," Mick said in-between sips.

"It's fine, I can do it," Lindsey finally chimed in, "I'm going to bed too anyway."

If anyone suspected anything, they didn't acknowledge it. Instead, they all watched curiously as Stevie gathered her things and Lindsey patiently waited on her, letting her prop herself up on his arm as she made sure she had everything in her bag. It was abnormal for Stevie and Lindsey to not be bickering at every moment, something everyone seemed to notice this tour.

Silence filled the elevator as they pressed the button for Stevie's floor, each standing in opposite corners so to act cool while still technically in public. Lindsey couldn't help but notice the coy smile that danced on the corners of her lips as she stared straight ahead.

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