Chapter 25: Before the Break

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June 30, 2013, Portland, WA

Stevie sat in her chair blankly on stage at soundcheck, lost in a series of daydreams as she stared at the floor trying to avoid eye contact with Lindsey. They hadn't spoken off stage since she kicked him out of her room three days earlier. Since then, they had two shows - which went on surprisingly well, the two of them getting all their feelings out through their music. It was the before and afters of each show that were the most painful part.

Finally, they got the signal that that rehearsal was over. Without wasting another moment, Stevie jumped up and headed straight to her dressing room, trying to escape everyone before any conversation could be started. She settled into the nook of the sofa, curling her feet under her lap as she reached for her journal, desperate to get the words out. A few minutes later, a knock came at the door.

"Come in, Kar," she called, not bothering to look up from her journal.

"It's actually me," his voice sent an involuntary shiver down her spine.

She looked up to find Lindsey in the doorway, a cup of flaming hot tea in his hand.

"They just brewed a pot, I figured you may want some for your voice," he shrugged, sitting the cup in front of her on the coffee table.

Her eyes finally met his and she realized this was his attempt at a peace offering. He stood nervously before her, slowly making his way back toward the door he came in through.

"Thank you," her voice croaked, "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to. So uh, how are you doing, are you alright?"

She swallowed uneasily, leaning over to pick up the cup of tea, "I'm okay. And you?"

He stayed quiet. She already knew the answer.

"I didn't think you'd speak to me until break," she said softly, breaking the silence that had once again bubbled up between them.

"I could say the same for you. It's been hard not talking these last few days," he admitted looking down, "And I've been sleeping like shit."

"Me too."

"Well, you said you wanted this to be easy and a clean break, so here I am with tea trying to abide by your wishes."

"I see," she nodded. "Thank you."

"I guess I'll see you out there," he sighed before leaving the room again, unable to take another second of the unspoken tension.


July 6, 2013, San Diego to Sacramento

Stevie squinted as the early afternoon sunlight beamed in through the plane windows while she boarded the aircraft. They were headed from San Diego to Sacramento for their last show of the U.S. tour before taking a two month summer break ahead of the second leg of the tour in Europe. The break, as it turned out, couldn't be coming at a better time. She and Lindsey had gone another week barely speaking to one another. She avoided him and the presence of his wife and kids once they arrived back in LA for their show there. It was easier this way.

"Morning, Stevie," Lindsey's voice woke her from her thoughts.

"Morning," she nodded in his direction, settling in a seat in the row across from where he sat. She looked at him curiously, surprised to see he was alone.

"Ready for the last show?"

She nodded, looking around, "No Kristen?"

"Wasn't really worth it for her to come to this last one. It's too hectic with the kids and plus," he stopped himself.

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