Chapter 10: Love in Boston Part II

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Picking up where we left off last time...

"Stevie?" Lindsey asked confused, surprised to find her standing there. "Is everything okay?"

Standing in the middle of the hallway, she stared at him blankly, an uncertain look on her face. Instead of answering, her body dove through the remaining space between them, her lips seizing his hungrily as he stumbled backwards. After a brief moment of shock, his arms were quickly wrapped around her, weaving through her hair as her tongue slipped into his mouth roughly. Their bodies stumbled against one another, taking a step back into the hotel room to slam the door shut behind them.

"Fuck," she whimpered into his mouth as he pushed her back up against the door, his hands roughly running down her body as she lifted a leg to wrap around his hips.

He knew he should stop to ask what the fuck was going on, but all rational thinking left his mind once he felt her tongue enter his mouth. There were both panting, their bodies unable to keep up with the pace of their heightened passion that had taken over. Lindsey felt his pants tighten as her nails dug down his shoulder blades slowly, her lips nibbling at his as a throaty moan poured out of her.

Suddenly, he thought about all the late nights they recorded the Extended Play songs in his bunker, and how this was what they both secretly wanted to be doing at the end of it. As her hands tugged at the hem of his shirt, he thought of the kiss they shared in his car the night he drove her home - how hungry, desperate, and unexpectedly full of love it was. At the time, he didn't think anything could top that passion, but now, he realized he was clearly wrong.

Her lips trailed down his jawline and neck, and suddenly his moans were the ones filling the room now. Every inch of his body felt like it was on fire as she clawed at him.

"Steph, what," he attempted to ask a question, but was soon silenced by her lips on his again, her hands lifting his shirt over his head.

"I just need you, Lindsey," she sighed against him, "I really do. Please."

He pulled back to look at her for a second, her lipstick stained all around her lips, her hair ruffled, and her eyes hooded with pure desire. Leaning in, he kissed her slower this time with more precision and less hunger. "I always need you," he whispered.

Their foreheads fell against one another as they took a brief moment to catch their breath. It wasn't too late to put a stop to whatever frenzy just took over both of their bodies. But as she looked up into his eyes again, she knew that they couldn't put a stop to anything happening right now. They were going to make love, and all they could do was surrender to that fact.

"Hi," she smiled as her lips returned to his slower this time.

"Hi," he grinned, letting her take his bottom lip in-between hers as she ran her nails up and down his bare chest. Goosebumps spread throughout his entire body.

Pulling at the back of her hair, he deepened their kiss, flipping their bodies around and leading her towards the bed slowly - their lips not once leaving each other. Her hands found their way to the belt buckle of his jeans, pulling his hips closer to hers as their bodies crashed towards the foot of the bed. He stood and watched as she let herself fall against the mattress, her coy expression looking up at him enough to end him right then and there.

Biting his lower lip, he crawled on top of her, settling between her legs as she pulled him in for another kiss. It had been nearly 10 years since they made love last, and he felt like his body was actively being electrocuted in the best way possible from head to toe. As he kissed across her cleavage, his hands slowly lifted her dress up her body, her hips lifting themselves up off the mattress to thrust into his softly. As a result, the hardness in his jeans was creating a pain he wasn't aware existed. But it hurt so good.

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