Chapter 12: Wildest Imaginations

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Hi....little NSFW warning ahead. 

April 21, 2013, Uncasville, CT

Peering out his door, Lindsey carefully checked both sides of the hallway before leaving his hotel room. Hurriedly, he dashed down to the end of the hall and hit the elevator button for her floor. It was nearly 2 AM and after almost two hours of not so patiently waiting and calling her hotel suite a million times, Stevie finally said she was ready for him to come over. He hadn't questioned why she needed over an hour before he was able to sneak over to her room, instead simply whining over the phone while she urged him it would be worth the wait in her quiet baby voice.

Finally, he arrived to her door and knocked softly, his heart suddenly racing as he awaited her answer. Moments later, the door opened slowly as she peeked her head from behind it - a sly smile playing on her face.

"Are you lost, sir?" She asked, the rest of her body still hidden behind the door as she made him stand in the hall.

He grinned, "Oh no, I know exactly where I am. I believe you promised me something, miss?"

Her teeth slowly ran across her bottom lip as she fought back a smile, "Hmmmmm," she pretended to think, "I can't recall anything...."

He thought about pushing through the door and diving into her lips, but he was enjoying this game far too much. For a few seconds, they both stood there in silence — their eyes playfully challenging one another as she stood pretending to ponder.

"Oh," she smiled again, her hand slowly peeling the door back, "Was it something to do with this?"

His jaw dropped as she finally opened the door all the way, his eyes slowly going up and down her body. Biting her lip, she stood there in her signature head-to-toe black, but with a much sexier twist. She wore a floor-length black sheer robe that was fully open, revealing a black corset over a short silky nightgown slip, with sheer black tights on her legs. His eyes went straight back to the top of the corset, which her cleavage was practically pouring out of.

"Oh my fuck," he whispered.

"What, this old thing?" She asked innocently, looking down at her outfit.

"You look...."

"What? I look what?" She grinned when he stood there speechless.

"Insanely I need to have a taste immediately," he growled, stepping closer to her.

She giggled, pulling him up against her by his t-shirt. He swallowed uneasily as her lips lingered in front of his, her free hand snaking behind him to slam the door shut. Her fingers ran across his chest as she moved her hips closer to his.

"Don't think I didn't notice the way you were looking at me on stage tonight," she whispered, her lips lightly reaching his as she spoke.

"I've been desperate to touch you all damn day," he breathed heavily, her entire aura completely intoxicating right now.

"Well you're going to have to wait a little longer, because I want to touch you first," she teased before finally locking their lips hungrily.

A groan escaped the back of his throat as he felt her pull him tighter into her, her tongue slipping into his mouth as her hands eagerly explored his body. He roped his hand around to the back of her head, grabbing her hair roughly as her lips ran down his neck. The tiny moan that came out of her as a reaction instantly hardened him.

"Stephanie," he moaned into her ear as his hands ran underneath her sheer robe from her waist to her backside, gripping her ass tightly.

"Mmm no I'm supposed to be touching you," she bit at his earlobe now, her hands settling on the waistband of his pants, toying there playfully.

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