Chapter 23: Birthday Wishes

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May 26, 2013, Las Vegas

Stevie blushed profusely as the entire crew and band surprised her with a cake, singing Happy Birthday as she walked off the stage next to Lindsey, Mick, and John. Fans from the audience kept shouting and serenading her with Happy Birthday's throughout the entire show, and now it seemed like the entire tour crew was following suit.

"You guys!!!" She squealed, "I said no birthday celebrations!!!"

Everyone cheered as she stood in front of the candles, feeling bashful with all eyes on her as they continued to serenade her. She felt Lindsey's arm wrap loosely around her waist - attempting to drape itself there in the most casual way possible.

"Make a wish," he directed her as the final notes of the song were sung, eliciting more whistles and cheers from the room.

Giving him a quick glance, she turned her attention back to the cake and stared at the gold candles that read the numbers '65' back to her. Not one part of her could believe she was turning 65, most days she still felt like she was 30 and had the world at her feet. Closing her eyes, she made a wish and blew out the candles to a roar of applause from the entire room.

"Thank you everyone," she smiled. "You're making this old gal feel special."

"Happy birthday, darling," Mick pulled her into his arms for a hug, "We do have another champagne and cake party scheduled at the hotel too."

She laughed, "I thought we swore no partying in Vegas?"

"We couldn't resist!"

She shook her head, looking back to Lindsey who stared quietly at her with all the love in the world in his eyes. Her mouth went dry at the look he gave her, attempting to brush it off by turning back towards everyone else in the room. Instead, she let her girlfriends huddle around her and drape her with all the birthday wishes.

Later that night, after a day of trying to get her alone, Lindsey finally found his opening as everyone exited their cars to re-enter the hotel and casino the group was staying at that night. They were all slated to freshen up in their rooms before reconvening at the private bar and lounge the band rented for Stevie's birthday celebration. As she walked ahead of him, he reached out his arm to wrap around hers pulling her back.

"What's up?" She asked as she slowed down to look at him.

"Hey," he smiled. "Do you...have a minute?"

She paused as the whole group stood waiting for the elevators, "Right now?"

"I'm assuming you won't be going up to your room alone..."

"No, I won't," she said under her breath as she looked over to Karen, Mary, and Sharon who stood waiting for her.

"I have a present I wanted to give the birthday girl," he smiled, his voice so quiet she could barely hear.

"You got me a gift?" Her look turned to surprise rather quickly. Lindsey was notoriously bad at giving gifts and always forgot.

His cheeks reddened, "Of course. And I'd like to give it to you alone..."

She raised her brow and he laughed, "Not that kind of gift!" He clarified, "Well...not just that kind of gift."

"I can sneak away for a few right now up to your room?"

He grinned widely, "That sounds perfect."

Once Stevie told the girls she would meet them in her suite shortly, she followed Lindsey up to his. They rode the elevator with a group of people, silently exchanging glances with every beep of every floor. Finally, they made it to the 32nd level and Lindsey led her out, gently taking her hand in his. Without another word, she followed him into his room and looked around quietly as he made his way directly to his luggage that sat situated in the corner.

"Nice room, huh?" She smiled awkwardly, she wasn't exactly sure what to do while standing there waiting. 

He laughed, making his way back to her with a box in hand. A tiny breath caught in the back of her throat as he stopped before her, his fingers grazing her jawline as he lifted her chin to look up at him with a smile.

"Hi there, birthday girl," he smiled before taking her lips in his gently, "Happy birthday."

"Thank you, baby," she whispered, a blush creeping over her cheeks as she pulled back to look at him again.

"I need a better kiss than that, I've been waiting all day," he pouted.

She barely had a chance to giggle before his lips were once again on hers, this time kissing her with more hunger and passion as his fingers slipped into the curls of her hair. A moan escaped one of their mouths as their bodies tangled some more, deepening their kiss and battling for dominance as they stood in the foyer of his hotel suite.

"Don't get any ideas, everyone is waiting for me," she pulled back with a wink.

"Here, for you," he presented the box to her.

She sighed as she went to open the box. Just last night, she had decided that she was going to end things romantically with Lindsey. Her evening with Paul convinced her that she needed to free herself of this messy entanglement before she got hurt more than she already probably was. But tonight, as he wished her happy birthday and stared at her with puppy dog eyes, she couldn't help but let her fluttering heart win out.

"Lindsey," she whispered as she pulled a gold ring out of a box, "It's beautiful."

"Just a little something to add to your collection from me," he smiled, "Read the engraving."

She bit her lip, trying to fight back any tears as she looked inside the gold band. In tiny cursive lettering it read, "1968 til forever." She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, her head shaking slowly.

"Do you like it?" He asked hopefully.

"It's really beautiful, I'm speechless," she cried, "1968 til forever," she read out loud.

"It's a little corny I know, but...."

She laughed, shaking her head and leaning in to kiss him, "It's not corny, it's very sweet and very romantic. I love it so much," she cried, slipping it onto her finger with all the others.

"I love you. Happy birthday, I'm so happy we get to spend another one together."

"I love you," she repeated, pecking his lips again, "And now I don't even want to go to the stupid party, I just want to stay here with you."

He laughed, "How about we make a deal? We go to this party, and then you have to let me escort you back to your room for the rest of your gift. Okay?"

She looked up at him with a devilish grin, "And just what would the rest of my gift be?"

"That part is a surprise, but I just know you're going to love it very much," he teased, pinching her waist. 

She giggled, diving back into his lips one last time before she had to go back to her own room to freshen up with the girls. As she felt Lindsey's hands on her body and the ring he gave her sitting on her finger, she wondered how she would be able to go through with ending things. In her heart, she knew it was the right thing to do. She was only going to get hurt if they continued this. But as he held her, his body perfectly molding against hers in every which way, she also knew she wasn't going to find another love like this again in this lifetime. And the thought of giving that up hurt just as much. 

As her birthday gift to herself, she would let herself enjoy tonight. She would let herself enjoy this milestone birthday with this man who knew her since she was a teenager and still wanted to worship every inch of her body. And tomorrow, tomorrow would be a new day to deal with the repercussions. 

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