Chapter 13: Dangerous Liaisons

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Later that night, Stevie and Lindsey exchanged subtle glances in the crowded hotel elevator. They rode up with Mick, John, and several of their managers who were rowdy with excitement after a night of hanging out after the show. As their managers got off one by one at their floors, Lindsey wondered how it would look if he walked Stevie to her door with Mick and John there. Ever since their bandmates made comments about the two of them possibly sleeping together again earlier tonight, Lindsey had been on edge.

It wasn't that he thought his bandmates would rat him out, but the idea of people outside their little secret world of bliss finding out about them was enough to rattle him. He'd already been so anxious that whatever was happening between them would implode at any minute. And stupidly, he and Stevie both hadn't discussed what would happen if that did occur. Or what they were even doing, at that.

"Well, this is me," Stevie announced as the elevator pinged at her floor.

The three men silently looked to one another, all unsure who would take the bait first. Mick won.

"Let me walk you to your door, Miss Nicks," he playfully bowed down and reached out his hand for hers to escort her off the elevator.

Lindsey watched on, trying to mask his pained expression at the situation. Tonight, his hotel room was a floor above Stevie's. She turned to him briefly, as if silently apologizing for the interruption to their top secret nightly routine.

"Goodnight boys," she looked back to John and Lindsey with a smile.

"Goodnight," they both muttered back, Lindsey's eyes glued to hers.

As Mick led her down the hall to her door, she nervously remembered his words from earlier that night. She knew he was onto her and Lindsey.

"Stevie," he began as they walked hand in hand.


"I apologize if I overstepped boundaries earlier when I made that comment about you and Lindsey..."

"Oh," she laughed nervously, shrugging it off, "I know you were just messing around. That's what we do."

He looked at her with raised eyebrows as they stopped in front of her door. The guilty look on her face wasn't fooling anyone. "Stevie. We both know I wasn't messing around."

"Mick, seriously, I don't know what you're talking about but quit it."

"I'm just trying to help you out here okay..."

"I don't need your help," she poked his ribcage playfully, "Like I said, your imagination is running wild. Maybe lay off the pot, okay?"

He grinned, "Okay. But I'll be here if and when you need to talk, okay?"

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "Okaaaay. Thank you so much, sir," she said sarcastically, "And with that, I must get some beauty rest."

"You're already so beautiful though."

"Goodnight, Michael," she smirked, shutting the hotel door in his face.

It took about four minutes for her to wait for the hallway to be clear before slipping out to Lindsey's room. She gathered her hands in her sleeves nervously as she rode the elevator up one floor. As soon as she turned off to make her way down the hall, she found her movements being firmly halted as she collided with someone in the middle of the floor.

"Jesus, Lindsey!" She screeched breathlessly as his arms grabbed her in shock. "You scared me to death!"

"What are you doing here?"

She took a deep breath, gathering herself as they straightened out their bodies, "I was coming to see you. We need to talk."

"I was coming to see you," he grinned.

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