Chapter 6: Let the Lovefest Begin

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April 1, 2013

As Stevie stepped onto the private plane, passing by Lindsey, his wife Kristen, and their three kids, she had an instant flashback to the Rumours tour. Through all the drama and excitement of that time in their lives, she was still haunted by the memories of boarding those planes to find Carol Ann hanging all over Lindsey. Now, as she watched his wife snapping photos on her smartphone of Lindsey with his kids, she felt all those same feelings again. The heartache of watching someone else grasp onto something that is so obviously yours.

They were headed to Columbus, Ohio, where they would kick off the Fleetwood Mac Live tour. On the last night of rehearsals just two weeks ago, Lindsey told her his family would be joining them for the first tour stop. She wasn't surprised to hear this, of course, and she loved watching him with his kids, but she couldn't place exactly why she was feeling the way she was feeling. Maybe because she knew that Lindsey couldn't baby her like he had been all these past months with his wife hanging around.

"You ready, Miss Nicks?" Mick plopped down in the seat next to her, much to her annoyance. She was planning to sit with her best friend Mary who lingered somewhere behind them now.

"Aren't I always, Michael?"

He laughed, "You've got a little attitude this morning."

"It's too early for me, I'm grumpy."

"You're still cute when you're grumpy at least."

She shot him a look, "You know, I do wish it was your wife and kids joining us today instead so at least you'd be out of my hair," she looked in the direction of Lindsey's family as she said the words.

"Ouch, you really aren't trying to spare any feelings today, huh?"

Her eyes shot back to him with an apologetic and embarrassed look, "Shit, sorry I wasn't thinking at all...I didn't even ...I'm sorry. How are you holding up?"

Mick had confided in Stevie last month that he was filing for separation from his wife Lynn. The news didn't exactly come as a shock to her, but she felt bad for him regardless.

"I'm fine," he shrugged, though it was clear he was annoyed at the entire situation, "Perfect timing, I will feel much better being out on the road."

She took his hand in hers, rubbing up his wrist and arm reassuringly as they sat side by side. When she looked up, she felt Lindsey's eyes staring through her as he caught them in the moment. Yes, this plane ride was certainly starting to feel a lot like the Rumours tour.


Stevie let herself be pulled by Lindsey, their hands swinging back and forth as he led her down the hallway of the stadium arena. It was the night before their first concert in Columbus and the band spent an hour on stage going through soundcheck and rehearsals.

"You're welcome to join us for dinner and drinks tonight," Lindsey smiled at her.

"Oh no," she shook her head, "You go ahead and enjoy your family time. I think the girls and I are going to order room service."

"That sounds much more fun than family time."

"Go be on dad duty," she laughed, "You'll have a good time."

"Hey..." he pulled her arm back towards him before she could break away to go into her dressing room, "Maybe we can uh..."

She raised her brow, growing impatient while she waited for him to spit out whatever he was trying to say, "What?"

"Catch up...just us? Kristen and the kids will be heading home in a few nights."

"Oh...yeah, I'd like that."

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