Chapter 22: When the Guilt Sets In

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May 25, 2013, Hollywood Bowl

Stevie smiled as she watched Lindsey's two daughters trying on the many shawls she had hanging in her dressing room. They were getting older now, but there were many moments on their last tour in 2009 when they were both younger that they would play around doing the same thing.

"Who wants to get their makeup done?" Stevie asked with a smile.

"ME ME ME," they both screeched jumping up and down.

Stevie laughed, motioning over her makeup artist to help her. The two girls had wandered in here a few minutes ago, neither one of their parents in sight, and Stevie happily let them explore all the things she had in her dressing room.

"Come here, sweetie," she pulled Leelee by her arm closer in front of her to take a better look, "Look how beautiful you are! I have a blush that will look so gorgeous on this beautiful skin," she mused reaching into her makeup bag.

"The brush tickles," the girl laughed.

"It's extra fluffy," Stevie grinned, "I can't believe you'll be a TEENAGER soon."

"We're going to Hawaii for my birthday."

"Oh HOW FUN. You know, that's one of my favorite places in the world. Do you want some eye shadow too?"

The girl nodded eagerly, her younger sister beside her in a chair getting lip gloss applied by Stevie's makeup artist. A few seconds later, Lindsey walked into the dressing room curiously.

"There you are! What in the world is going on in here?" He shot a questioning look at Stevie.

"We're doing makeup, just girl things," she stuck her tongue out.

"You two know you're not supposed to wear makeup," he gave his daughters a look.

"Oh, they're fine!" Stevie chimed in, playfully pushing him back, "Just a little bit, Linds, I promise."

He couldn't help but smile as Stevie fluttered around them happily. "Always up to no good," he shook his head at her, "Girls, don't take after Stevie, you hear me?"

She laughed, pushing his arm again now, "Stop it! He's lying, girls!"

"I want to be just like Stevie when I'm older," Leelee beamed as Stevie put her lipstick on her.

"Awwww, you're so sweet, honey. You're going to be even better than me when you're older," she kissed the girl's nose lovingly, Lindsey couldn't help but feel his heart tug at the interaction.

"Daddy, where is mommy?" Stella asked eagerly, shaking them all back to reality.

"Oh, uh she's down the hall in my dressing room. Where you two are supposed to be."

"I want to go show her my makeup!"

Lindsey nodded, helping the girl down from the makeup chair. "Leelee? Come on."

"Can I stayyyyy, dad?"

He looked to Stevie, "I'm sure Stevie has to get ready, Lee."

"She's fine," Stevie shook her head, "I'll bring her back soon."

With a sigh, Lindsey nodded in defeat as he led Stella back to his own dressing room. Turning around, he looked back to see Stevie giggling as she whispered something to his oldest daughter. It hurt his heart to watch any longer.


Later that night, Stevie did an expert job at avoiding both Lindsey and his family once the show was over. She couldn't deal with seeing them all together, the guilt tearing at her conscience as she saw him with his kids. She didn't even want to think about Kristen, who'd spent plenty of time shooting daggers her way as soon as they made their way off stage.

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