Chapter 18: I Can't Wait

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A NSFW warning: if you're not into a little hot, heavy, and needy smut then uh...don't keep reading.

May 9, 2013

Stevie sat back at her kitchen table, looking proudly at the final touches she'd put on her creations. Yesterday, she and Karen had taken her niece to the craft store and Stevie picked up some materials to make some dream weavers to keep herself busy too. She'd finished them in less than a day.

She spent her week off mostly trying to keep busy, trying to distract herself from the fact that she hadn't been able to stop daydreaming about Lindsey since they reluctantly separated off the plane just five days ago. The unquenched thirst between them had left such a sense of want in the air that Stevie couldn't escape its aftermath all week long. Watching him leave that plane hand in hand with his wife to head back to their home had been the especially painful cherry on top.

She hadn't heard from Lindsey all week, aside from an extremely short email that simply read "Missing my sweet girl so much," and she began to panic that maybe being home had started to change his mind about them. It should, of course. The truth was, they should have put a stop to this thing that transpired between them weeks ago. But she couldn't. As she took another sip from her now cold cup of coffee, the phone began ringing.

"Hello?" Her voice was already breathy from running to answer it.

"Are you home?" Lindsey's voice suddenly filled her here.

"Well you called me on my landline phone...what do you think?" She smirked while twisting the cord around her finger.

"Oh," he laughed, "Right, see, I'm so flustered and wound up without you."

"Oh yeah?" She couldn't help but feel completely flattered at his confession.

"Are you alone?"


"I'll be there in ten minutes, I'm on my way."

"What?!" She shrieked, looking down at her mismatched pajamas and slippers, "What do you mean?"

"I can't wait another second, Steph, I fucking need you."

She swallowed uneasily, her stomach fluttering at the severity and sexiness in his unbound voice, "I..."

"Ten minutes. See you soon."

Before she could protest, he hung up, leaving her standing in a state of semi-shock in her kitchen. Taking a breath, she gathered herself and ran towards her bedroom in an attempt to throw herself together as best as possible in ten minutes. Quickly, she threw her hair up and jumped in the shower to rinse off. In record time, she managed to throw on a little perfume, face powder, and lip balm, frumping up her messy waves to somehow look even messier - she didn't have time to do otherwise. Plus, she knew Lindsey liked it that way anyway.

Unsure of what to throw on and out of time to give it another thought, she slipped into a long nightgown and matching silk robe. She wasn't exactly sure what Lindsey had planned for his impromptu visit, but somehow she didn't think it would hurt to be dressed like this. Seconds later, her doorbell was ringing.

"Linds," she sighed breathlessly as she opened the door, still shocked he was here, "I can't believe—"

She was cut off by him lunging through the door and into her lips, pulling her body tightly into his as his hands ran across the silky fabric of her robe. Frenzied moans escaped both of the mouths as their bodies shuffled around, slamming the door shut behind them and positioning themselves up against it in the heat of the moment.

"Fuck, I missed you so much," he breathed into her lips as his hands landed on the belt of her robe, tugging at it as his body pressed against hers harder.

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