Chapter 16: Claiming Territory

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Sorry for the delay, this is a short one but more to come very soon promise :) 

Lindsey felt his soul leave his body as his eyes focused in on the sight of his wife standing before them. She stood beside a large suitcase, holding an even larger tote bag as she waved at him giddily, gloating at herself for this little surprise. Without even looking to his side, he could feel Stevie instantly move away.

"Kit...what are you...what are you doing here?" He stuttered.

"Well you sounded so sad like you missed me so much when we talked on the phone the other morning," her eyes momentarily glazed to Stevie, "So I thought I'd come and surprise you."

"Oh wow," were the only words he could manage to get out before she swept her arms around his neck, hoisting herself up against his body as she kissed him.

On the sidelines, Stevie pretended to be busy with the contents of her own bag now, scrambling for something inside while she walked closer towards the elevator - desperate to get away from this entire situation and display.

"Hey Stevie," Kristen called.

"Hi good to have you back."

Stevie felt like she could melt on the spot from Lindsey's gaze searing through her. It was a mixture of sadness, pity, and love - a combination she wasn't emotionally strong enough to handle right now. Minutes ago, she'd been giddy at the prospect of them spending the night together with incredible makeup sex. Now, he would be giving himself to his wife instead. The thought alone made her sick.

"Well, I'll see you two tomorrow then," Stevie called as Karen piled into the elevator ahead of her.

"Steph..." Lindsey called back.

She turned around, a curious smile on her face, "Yeah?"

"Uh...nothing. Goodnight."

"Night," she nodded, disappearing behind the elevator door.

Just minutes ago, Lindsey had hoped he would be riding the elevator up to his room with Stevie draped all over him, but instead he had a different blonde clinging to his body. He wasn't stupid, he knew his wife hadn't bought his excuse the other day and decided to come out here to claim her territory and check on him. He tried to be a good husband, he really did, but the thought of not being with the one woman he really wanted to be with tonight was killing him inside.

"You don't seem as excited as I thought you'd be to see me," Kristen pouted as they walked down the hallway of the hotel.

"I am excited, honey, I'm just tired."

"Well get un-tired, we only have two nights together before I have to go back home," she grinned against his back as he unlocked the hotel room.

Lindsey swallowed uneasily as he led them both into the room. All he could think about was Stevie's face downstairs when she saw Kristen standing there in the lobby. All he could feel was the distance widening between the two of them as they stood dumbfounded. As Kristen dropped her bag into a chair, she began taking her scarf off and unbuttoning her shirt.

"Come here honey, let me show you how much I missed you," she purred from across the room.

He looked up at her blankly, "Sorry...I uh, I need to run down to Mick's room real quick tonight. We just need to go over something for tomorrow. It will only take a couple minutes, let me go get it over with?"

She groaned, "Seriously? Why couldn't you do it on the plane?"

"You know how he is."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine, but make it quick."

Taking her word, he quickly ran from the room and back towards the elevator. He racked his brain to try to remember the number of Stevie's room from downstairs. Was it 1227? Or 1007? There was definitely a 7. Turning a corner, he ran into Karen head-first.

"Jesus!" She exclaimed jumping back.

"Sorry! Karen, what room is Stevie in again?"

She raised her brows at him, hand firmly planted on her hip, "Shouldn't you be with your wife?"

"Please, Karen," he pleaded.

"1227," she rolled her eyes.


Moments later, he was knocking profusely at Stevie's door, sweat beads dripping down his forehead in the heat of the moment it took to get here, his nerves on high alert. Confused, Stevie opened the door looked as if she was in the middle of getting undressed. Her tiny dog tip-toed around behind her as she eyed Lindsey curiously.

"What are you doing here?"

"I am so sorry," he breathed out, "I had no idea she would show up like that."

"Well that was obvious," she scoffed looking down.

"I'm really sorry baby....I wanted to spend the night with you so badly."

She felt her throat close up at his words, she was too overcome with emotions at the entire situation - suddenly feeling like she was being discarded by the man she needed the most right now. His wife showing up was a painful reminder that the fantasy land they let themselves get lost in on this tour was not, in fact, real.

"It doesn't matter," she shook her head through gritted teeth, "Maybe it's for the best. Maybe it's a sign that we shouldn't let things get back to that again, okay?"

"Do not say that, please."

"Lindsey, please. Go back to your room with your wife."

Sensing her pain, he took a step forward and pulled her against his chest tightly. He expected her to pull away, to brush him off completely, but instead she let herself collapse against him. They stood in silence, their arms holding onto each other tightly as they swayed in the doorway.

"She's only here for two nights," he whispered, "God, I wish I could stay here."

"She only came to shove it in my face, to claim her territory."

He pulled away to look at her, "I know that, Steph. I know."

"I know...."



"Tell me," he squeezed her arms tighter now.

"I know I have no right to be mad but it just makes me so...ugh."

"Me too baby, me too," he agreed, holding her again and kissing the top of her head.

Suddenly feeling territorial herself, Stevie pulled him back against her by his t-shirt, eyeing him up hungrily. He gulped as she took control, her eyes daring his without a word as they still stood in the doorway of her room. While one hand tugged at his shirt, the other snaked its way up his chest before her lips leaned in to grab his slowly, her tongue slipping into his mouth. With a groan, his hands grasped her hair, nails running through the back of her head as he deepened the kiss.

"Mine," she mumbled into his mouth as she nibbled on his bottom lip.

"Yours," he agreed.

They each let the kiss linger on a few seconds more before regretfully pulling away. With a nod and a soft smile, she gave him a look that said she understood. She wasn't happy about it, but she understood. As she watched him walk away, she felt herself getting angry again. How dare Kristen pull a stunt like this? How dare she give Stevie that smug look in the hotel lobby? Who did she think she was? Two could play that game, and she was ready to do just that at tomorrow's festival performance. 

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