Chapter 32: Happy Birthday, Mr. Buckingham

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Warning: NSFW ahead, this is the Lovefest tour after all... I felt like we all deserved. 

October 3, 2013, Glasgow UK

Lindsey took a look around as he walked through yet another new hotel room on this tour. The band just touched down in Glasgow ahead of tonight's final UK show, and he was suddenly grateful for the peace and quiet after their short flight from Manchester that was inevitably filled with birthday cheers for him. He woke up 64 years old today, and he was still unable to fully process that, though waking up to Stevie placing kisses down his chest was a nice way to soften the blow.

"Your real present comes tonight," she had whispered under the sheets as her head disappeared below his hips.

His jaw had dropped, wondering what gift could possibly top the feeling of her lips wrapped around his length - slowly bobbing up and down to torture him in the best way possible. Never in a million years did he think this was how he would ever wake up on a birthday in his 60s. But he and Stevie were always full of surprises. Now, he found himself sitting here missing her again. After they'd spent most of the last week together in the UK, the fleeting moments apart suddenly felt more lonely and miserable than ever. She was in a hotel room down the hall and he missed her more than he wanted to admit.

Interrupting his thoughts, his phone rang and taking a deep breath, he answered it while taking a seat on the foot of the bed.


"Hey, happy birthday honey!" Kristen's voice filled his ear.

"Thank you. How are you?"

"I'm good, how is the birthday so far? Are they treating you good for your big day?"

His mouth went dry at the question, some people were certainly treating him very good- but he couldn't exactly get into that with his wife. Guilt once again filled him.

"Yeah," he stuttered, "Show tonight, nothing too crazy. You know I don't care for birthdays anyway."

"Aw, I wish we were all there to celebrate with you today."

"Yeah me too, honey. Are the kids there?"

"They're still at school, sorry. They'll call later."

"Oh right," he shook his head, still not used to the time difference.

"By the way, so I'm thinking that we will all do a Vegas trip while the kids are on Christmas break! We can all come to the shows there and then do some of the shows the kids want to go to too. Wouldn't that be fun? New Years in Vegas?" her voice went up several levels in excitement.

"Oh....I didn't think you guys would be coming for that one. The kids in Vegas?"

"Don't be silly, why wouldn't we come? It's the end of the tour, and we've hardly seen you!"

He tried not to let the disappointment show through his voice. He didn't want to think about the end of the tour. And he definitely didn't want to think about not being able to enjoy the final shows with Stevie alone. Just then, a soft knock came at his door.

"Oh Kit, I've got to go, someone's at the door. Thank you again. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay, we'll figure it out later, happy birthday again handsome. I'll talk to you later love you!"

"Love you," he muttered, hanging up and running towards the door.

He let out a sigh of relief as he opened the door to find Stevie standing there, sheepish grin on her face and balloons in hand. "Hi birthday boy," she grinned. "This isn't the gift either, I promise."

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