Chapter 30: Straight Back

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Stevie hugged Christine one more time in the parking lot before helping her into the back of her car. She would be seeing her again in less than 48 hours for their next and final London concert of this tour, but she still wanted to hug her for as long as possible tonight, never wanting the celebration of Christine joining them back on stage to end. John and Lindsey waited not so patiently on the sidelines in the slightly chilly London air.

"You'll see each other soon!" John groaned, "Come on!"

Stevie laughed and kissed Christine on the cheek before prancing over to John and Lindsey. The three of them stood there waving her off as her car drove away, taking her home for the night. Stevie turned to both John and Lindsey with a grin, "So, now what?"

"Mick is in there still insisting on taking shots," John rolled his eyes.

"I've got to get back to the hotel," Stevie sighed, "I need to get out of these boots."

"I'll go with you," Lindsey offered a little too quickly.

"Not fair, why do you get to use her as your exit?" John whined.

"You're on Mick duty tonight, John. I'll owe you," Lindsey grinned.

Stevie laughed as John rolled his eyes and headed back inside the pub, leaving the two of them on the sidewalk with all their drivers and cars lined up. Lindsey turned to her with a huge smile on his face, extending his hand out for her to take.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall," She giggled, her hand slipping into his as he led her to the first car in the lineup.

Stevie pretended not to be fazed by the way that Lindsey's body was pressed against hers in the backseat, but it was setting every little piece of her on fire. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss him, if she said the entire week since they'd returned hadn't been difficult to get through without touching him. For a few moments, they didn't say anything, didn't do anything except exchange little glances at one another.

"Today was a great day," Stevie proclaimed, breaking the momentary silence.

"The perfect day," he agreed, his hand landing on her thigh.

She looked up at him with a tiny grin, her eyes beaming through his, "Sometimes, if you just close your eyes...when all of us are together it's almost like it could be 1977 again," she mused dreamily.

"Oh yeah?" His body angled further towards her with a smile, "Which part?"

"All of it," she laughed, "What, are you expecting me to say you look just as devilishly handsome?"

"Well do I?"

She blushed, "To me? Always."

"If I said the way you looked to me, you'd really blush."

"Stop," she giggled, shaking her head vehemently.

"You're very cute tonight, I can't help it."

"And you're a flirt," she teased back at him with a glare, "Isn't that usually my job?"

"I've missed this, that's all."

"I've missed it too. Being with everyone today, Christine being back...everything with was very emotional, to say the least."

"I feel the same," he clasped her hands in his, "I'm glad we get another show with the five of us too."

"Me too. And I'm glad," she stopped herself as they pulled up to their hotel.


"I was going to say I'm glad we're friends again."

"Were we ever not?" He teased.

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