Chapter 7: Philadelphia Freedom

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April 6, 2013, Philadelphia, PA

So far, what they dubbed would be the "lovefest" tour was starting as just that. They were lighter on stage tonight, running around playfully, blowing each other kisses, laughing hysterically in-between songs. And for all the silly moments, they had their share of sweet interactions too, with the new performance of Without You and a special performance of Sara that ended with the two of them leaning against each other in an intimate stance that felt drunk with love.

The show in Columbus two nights earlier had its playful moments, plus a not so playful kiss backstage, but tonight they took their antics up a notch. Maybe it was the fact that they felt like they were in their 20s again, bursting with excitement over being on stage together again. Or maybe it was the fact that Lindsey sent his family home on a plane back to Los Angeles, arriving to Philadelphia with a little extra freedom.

"Lindsey!" Mick's roaring voice broke them apart from their arm-in-arm whispering as they exited the stage.

"What?!" He snapped his head around, annoyed to have his inside moment with Stevie interrupted.

"You have to get drinks with us tonight, you've got no excuse now that the wife and kids are gone."

Lindsey groaned. Drinking and hanging out with everyone after a show wasn't really his scene anymore. "I'll go if Miss Nicks goes," he challenged with a smile.

"Oh that's not fair!" She squealed, pulling further away from him.

"Come onnnnn."

"We have an early flight to New York in the morning. I don't have time to be corrupted by your boys time."

"Oh, live a little Stevie, just one drink," Mick interrupted before Lindsey could respond.

She rolled her eyes, looking back to Lindsey, "Fine," she relented, surprising them both.

A little over an hour later, they were surrounded by several members of the crew who crowded in the dimly-lit hotel bar. Lindsey watched, bourbon in hand, as Stevie threw her head back in laughter while telling a story to all the women who joined them. The boys stood on their own side gossiping, and Lindsey felt himself longing to pull Stevie from her coven of women. He didn't come here to talk to Mick and John, after all.

"Pssssst," he whispered across the way, his hands fidgeting nervously in his lap as he tried to get her attention.

She looked up to him with a smirk, removing herself from the center of her group and making her way over towards him. He couldn't wipe the smile that took over his face as she sauntered to him slowly, landing directly in front of his legs as he sat atop a high chair.

"You rang, Mr. Buckingham?"

"Oh, I like that," he laughed, eyeing her up and down.

"You seem to forget that I always know what you like," she teased with a mischievous smile, oh yes, she was definitely feeling the effects of the drink in her hand.

"Now that's something I could never forget."

She threw her head back in laughter, her hand grazing his knee innocently enough. All the grief and sadness in the months following her mother's death that even peppered into some of the recording of Extended Play, now seemed to be replaced with pure joy and happiness. She was determined to enjoy this tour and her energy was infectious.

"Stevie!!" Karen was waving her over, "Come here, you have to hear this!"

She turned to Lindsey with an apologetic shrug before slipping away, and he swore he felt physical pain from the loss of contact. In group settings he was used to always fighting for Stevie's attention. She was the natural life of the party, always floating around effortlessly making conversation and jokes and circulating in ways he couldn't even begin to try even if he wanted to.

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