Not Satisfied

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*I don't own the rights to these Grey's Anatomy characters.*

Miranda laid there staring at her ceiling fan turn fast but in her mind it felt slow. She couldn't believe she had fallen for the smooth talking again. Miranda snapped back into reality when she heard the man she agreed to screw moaning loudly and pumping into her faster.

"Damn baby, your pussy is so tight. I know you're a grown woman but are you sure you weren't a virgin before this?" Jeff asked.

Miranda slowly rolled her eyes as she held onto his arms. "No I'm not a virgin I was married for several years."

"He....was leave you," Jeff said in a strained voice as his climax took over.

His body started to shake and he went limp quickly after. Jeff laid all his weigh on Miranda's short but full figured body and nuzzled his face into her neck.

While Jeff was satisfied and trying to drift off to sleep Miranda was annoyed. They had only started five minutes ago and she was no where near close to cumming. Matter of fact she didn't even enjoy the five minutes he gave her. And she was a little sore because she barely got wet.

She worked with Jeff as a general surgery attending and he was one of the ER doctors. At the hospital almost all the women nurses and doctors had a crush on him. He was tall, brown skin with muscles for days and he always had a fresh haircut. He was super smart but he was super cocky and had a big ego. Miranda hated following the trends but when he began to take interest in her, she kinda wanted to prove she could have him if she wanted to. She began to flirt with him which made the everyone jealous and shortly after she agreed to go on a date with him.

She really wanted to see if his sex matched the attitude and confidence he carried. The date went well and they came back to her place and quickly got down to it. The kissing was good but the only foreplay he did was rubbing her pussy like he was trying to pet it and then he wiped his hand on her couch. When she asked for head he said he didn't give, he only received. That was when she felt she should've just said no to having sex with him. But she hoped that with as much ego and audacity he was giving that he dick game would be strong.

Miranda was sad and her vayjay was too. She knew that he thought just because his dick was big, that was all he needed to be good at sex. She wanted something else but she felt like it would be too much to try to go out for a one night stand. She snapped out of her thoughts again when she felt Jeff's snoring against her neck and his body got heavier.

"Jeff get up," Miranda said in his ear but he didn't move.

"JEFF GET UP!" she yelled this time startling him awake.

"Damn Miranda why are you yelling?"

"Because you are falling asleep on top of my small frame and I don't do sleepovers," Miranda stated.

"You're not all that small with this cute little fupa, these thighs and this juicy ass booty you have."

Miranda just gave him a blank look before getting up and grabbing the condom he discarded at the side of her bed. She went into the bathroom, filled it with water to check for holes before dumping it in the toilet and tossing it in the trash. She grabbed her robe off the back of the door. She stood in the doorway and looked at Jeff still laying relaxed on the bed.

"I don't do sleepovers Jefferson, time for you to go," Miranda said.

Jeff blew out his breath as he got up. "So you're really as tough as you act at work. I thought maybe there was some softness maybe even sweetness to you," he said as he dressed.

"Maybe there is but I won't be showing it to you. I showed you enough tonight. Miranda said in a sassy yet stern tone.

"And why is that Dr. Bailey?" Jeff asked in a sex tone as he leaned down close to her face.

"Because you need more than a big dick to satisfy a woman. You don't give head, and I never came," Miranda spat as she walked out of the bedroom into the livingroom.

"So it's like that?" Jeff asked shocked at Miranda's statement.

"It was like that for five minutes so yes it is Jefferson," Miranda said standing by her front door.

Jeff grabbed his jacket off of her couch before walking towards the door. He just looked at her and scoffed as he walked out the door. Miranda quickly closed the door and locked it before heading to her bathroom to take a shower. She was going to get her orgasm tonight.

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