Not A Chance

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Miranda quickly showered and completed her hygiene routine. She was struggling on whether to go back out because she did just have sex but it was hardly satisfying. And she was still new to this "wild and free" phase she liked to call it.

After being married for almost 10 years and having the same old boring and unsatisfying sex with him she wanted to see what it was like having sex with other men. Other people made it seem so fun and exciting. To an extent it was exciting but it really wasn't Miranda's style. She wanted real love with the right person but she just wasn't in the right head space for that after being with Tucker for so long.

She just wanted to experience good, explosive, toe curling sex for once in her life. Even though Tucker was her first and only for a long time she knew he wasn't giving her body what it needed. So she was going to experience and let go for once until she found some. Then after that maybe she would be ready to settle down with someone again.

Miranda finished her makeup then went to her closet and pulled out a blue and gold wrapped dress that hugged her curvy body and showed her D cup breast. It was only 10:30pm so it was still early enough to go have a good time a maybe meet someone. Miranda stopped and stood in the mirror looking at herself. She still wasn't sure that she should go out but she wanted to try. She wanted to be different because being who she was left her divorced and inexperienced before now. Jeff was the fifth guy she'd slept with and none of them had what she needed and was looking for but she hoped and almost prayed that she'd find the right guy tonight.

Miranda walked into the packed bar with her six inch heels on feeling confident and ready. She didn't really want to be there so she was just going to do what she came to do and try to get out of there. As she walked in she slowly surveyed the room before finally just going to have a seat at the bar. She ordered two bourbons  and took one done while just staring at the other.

As she sat there with her thoughts spinning trying to decide if the decisions she was making was right her thoughts were interrupted.

"Hey man can I get Jack and coke," the handsome, brown skinned man asked.

Miranda inhaled his cologne and immediately her walls clenched in approval at the way he smelled. Miranda looked at him for a moment and he had this humble yet confident swag about him that was sexy. He was dressed in a black collar shirt, khaki pants with a brown belt that had a gold ornament and black dress shoes. His hair was cut and his goatee was trimmed nicely. When he smiled at the bartender when he hand him his drink, that smile could brighten any day.

"That's him," Miranda said to herself as she sipped her drink.

The man sat down beside her and smiled politely as he took a sip of his drink. It was quiet for a moment before Miranda looked over at him then spoke.

"Hi, do you come here often?"

"Hi, umm no I'm new to this side of town. I just moved over here."

"Oh okay, I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey."

"Nice to meet you Dr. Bailey I'm Dr. Ben Warren."

"Oh wow what kind of doctor are you?"

"I'm an anesthesiologist and I'm going to guess that you are either Emergency Medicine or a Surgeon," Ben said giving her that smile.

"Wow I'm a general surgeon, how could you tell?" Miranda asked intrigued.

"You have a seriousness about you like most surgeons do. I can tell that you're very calculated, you already have a plan before you do anything."

Miranda bit her lip being turned on by his accurate assumption about her. "I could say the same thing about you gas man except you get to sit and log reasonable hours and make buckets of money while I stand and do the hard work."

Ben looked at her shocked and amused. She was a spit fire and he liked that in a woman. "Well the sitting part is my least favorite part of my job. Matter of fact I don't want to keep sitting, I think I will go on the dance floor and stretch my back out. Ben gulped his drink down before getting up and heading out onto the dance floor.

Miranda watched him down his drink before getting up and walking away. She saw him get on the dance and a woman immediately began to try and dance with him. Miranda downed her drink before getting up and going over there where he was.

"Excuse me," Miranda said as she slid in between him and the woman.

Miranda looked back at her and raised her eyebrow before she walked away. "And what are you doing over here with the gas man Dr. Bailey. I was under the impression that I wasn't good enough for the general surgeon," Ben teased as they swayed to the music.

"I never said anything of that nature Dr. Warren."

"Benjamin or Ben please."

"Benjamin I never said you weren't good enough or at least it wasn't my intention to make you feel that way," Miranda.

"Wow a surgeon apologizing must mean you find me special."

"I guess," Miranda smirked.

They danced, talked and drank and soon Miranda was feeling free as she danced on Ben and was grinding her ass into his crotch. Ben held her hips and bit his lip trying to control all the sensations he was feeling.

Miranda was extremely sexy and just the type of woman he would go for. And her thick, fat ass against his manhood was temptation he didn't want refuse.  But he didn't want to feel anything because he had no plans of taking her home. He was pass the one night stand stage in his life.

Miranda was very tipsy and ready for this sexy man to take her home and sex her good. She was absolutely sure that he was the one that could give it to her right. She could tell he was a gentleman because as she was twerking and grinding on him he kept his hands on her hips instead of grabbing and rubbing her ass like some men would.

Miranda turned around and grabbed him by his collar, pulling him down to her and kissing his lips hungrily. Ben closed his eyes and held her waist giving in to her abrupt kiss.

"Ben please take me home and fuck me," Miranda slurred out.

Ben was shocked at her words but knew it was because she had several drinks. "Miranda I can't have sex with you."

"Why not?" Miranda whined.

"Because I don't do one night stands anymore.

"Well if it's really good we can do it more than once," Miranda suggested.

Miranda stumbled a little but Ben quickly caught her. "I want to go home, please come with me," Miranda begged.

Ben looked around and saw a weird looking man standing in the corner watching them. Ben knew he couldn't just leave Miranda there basically drunk with the way that man was looking.

"Yeah let's get out of here and go home," Ben said.

"Yay I'm going to finally get some good dick. Ben do you give head as well because the other guy didn't."

Ben didn't answer any of her questions because he didn't want to encourage her. "Well do you give head?" Miranda asked again loudly.

"Yes Miranda," Ben answered trying to appease her.

"Omg yes! This so going to feel so good," Miranda slurred.

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