FLTE part 2

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*double update! Sorry it's so short.*

Ben smiled as he sat in the exam room waiting for Dr. Shepard to come in. He didn't know what kind of news he was getting but his baby girl was getting to come home today so he was happy.

Cynthia still didn't want anything to do with the baby but Ben wanted to wait until she was over her depression before he asked her to sign her parental rights away.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Derrick walked in. "Hey Warren, so you've been taking your medication as prescribed and you haven't had many seizures between the time I gave you the prescription. How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine, I know when a seizure might be coming but I've been taking my medication so I've found techniques that lower my stress."

"Yes, since there isn't anything on any of the scans I do believe that your seizures are stress induced. So as long as you keep your stress levels down you will be fine. Keep taking the medication but eventually let's see about getting you off of it. And for now you can plan to come back to work."

Ben grinned from ear to ear knowing that he could come back to work. But when he thought about the fact that meant he would have to see Miranda he was no longer ready. He left his appointment and headed over to Seattle Press. He considered seeing if he could get a position there so he didn't have to be at Seattle Grace Mercy West.

He made it up to the NICU and put the car seat down as he looked at his baby girl staring up cooing. She kicked her legs hard when she saw Ben and began to grunt loudly.

"Hey baby girl, daddy is here to take you home. And you're uncle and grandpa are waiting to see you."

"Hey Dr. Warren, she just has to sit in the car seat for an hour and then we can discharge her," the nurse said.

Ben slowly picked her up and placed her in the car seat. She sat there and stared at him contently. Ben felt so in love with her but he was scared at the same time because now he was a single dad and this little girl would now be depending solely on him. She completed the test successfully and they discharged her to go  home.

When they made it home Curt opened the door and David was waiting excited. "There is my grand baby, hand her here," he said taking the car seat.

Ben looked at the mail he had placed on the table but didn't go through yesterday. He grabbed the envelope with UCLA on it before sitting down. He had applied for a surgical residency there over a year ago and had been waitlisted. He wanted to get from behind the screen and finally do the surgeries himself. Ben slowly opened the letter and read it. Curt came, sat down beside him and looked at Ben's facial expressions.

"What's wrong Ben?"

"I got accepted into the surgical program I applied to over a year ago."

"Oh wow....what are you going to do?"

"I really wanted to do this but I have a baby now," Ben voiced.

"It will be hard but I think you can do it bro. And it's better to get it done while she is young and doesn't know what's going on."

"Well I guess we're moving to Los Angeles," Ben stated.

Miranda felt so happy with her decision to be with Antwan but she would be lying if she said she didn't miss Ben. It had been over a month since they talked that night and she hoped they could rebuild their  friendship.

Miranda decided to just go by his place so he couldn't avoid her. She knocked on the door and a tall, white man answered the door. "Hmmm I'm sorry I was coming to see my friend but I must've come to the wrong door," Miranda said looking at the number on the door.

"Sounds like you and you friend aren't close because I just moved in here two weeks ago."

"Okay....sorry," Miranda said before walking away.

Miranda got in her car and called Ben's father.


"Hey Mr. David, it's Miranda."

"Hey Miranda, I'm guessing you're looking for Ben."

"Yes I went to his apartment because we haven't been talking and I wanted us to mend our friendship."

"Well he moved to Los Angeles Miranda. He got accepted to a surgical residency there so he took the baby and moved there. Miranda I know how you two felt about each other but I think it's time you learn to go on without him," David said.

"I just want us to still be friends....I miss my friend."

"I'll let him know that you called okay Miranda."

"Okay," Miranda said sadly.

Miranda couldn't believe that Ben moved out of state. She knew they weren't on good terms but she thought they were better than that. Maybe their relationship was really over.

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