Makings of Us Part 2

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Miranda woke up and immediately her stomach growled as her nostrils took in the scent of bacon. Miranda got up and put on her pants and went into the bathroom to wash her face before going downstairs to the kitchen. 

"Good morning," Miranda said as she walked over to Mandi in her booster seat and kissed her forehead.

"My Mandi bear," Amanda responded.

Ben turned around with a smile on his face, "good morning gorgeous," Ben said.

Miranda blushed at his compliment. "Thank you Benjamin Warren," Miranda said as she playfully bumped against him.

Miranda turned to go sit beside Mandi and Ben watched her walk away. She had gained some weight in the last three years but the weight gain to her booty was immaculate he thought to himself.

Ben finished cooking and placed a plate in front of Mandi and Miranda before making his own.

"I'm off work today so I could keep her today if you don't mind," Miranda said playing with Amanda's braids as she ate her food.

"I actually want her to get use to the daycare but if you want to do what we did last night I don't mind. You can just keep the other key," Ben said.


"So you just going to go home and relax for the day?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, probably lay on my couch and watch movies while eating ice cream."

"Hmmm that use to be our routine. How about this, go get your nails and feet done. As well as get a massage, my treat," Ben said getting up and grabbing the credit card and cash in the drawer.

"Ben no I can't."

"You can and you will, plus I already scheduled the appointments this morning so I will text you the address," Ben said and Miranda just looked at the credit card and money.

"There's only a 10,000 limit on it so don't go too crazy," Ben said chuckling.

"I know how to use a credit card Benjamin Warren. As a matter of fact I rarely use my own," Miranda said sassy with her head cocked to the side and Ben mimicked her.

The three finished breakfast and got dressed. Miranda helped to put Mandi in her car seat before standing in front of Ben's window.

"Your appointments are in two hours and I will text the address to you."

"Thank you Benjamin Warren that was extremely kind of you."

"Truthfully Miranda I don't want to start over. I want to start right back where we were before everything. When I should've been giving you my all and not another woman. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful for my baby but getting her here was a lot of drama. Can we just start where we were and this time not be afraid to give ourselves to each other?"

Miranda just stared at Ben and pursed her lips. She opened his door and kissed his cheek before walking off to her car. Ben bit his lip as he watched her walk away and pull off.

Miranda made it home and took a shower. Once she was done showering she moisturized her body and did her makeup and hair before finding some jeans and a blouse to wear. She wanted to get to the spa early that Ben because it was thirty minutes away and she wanted to give time for traffic.

As she drove to the spa Miranda thought about what Ben said. He wanted to just start back where they left off without the thought of all the drama that accompanied them last time. Miranda was worried that even in starting over some issues would still creep in but she wanted to give it a try. Miranda made it to the spa and when she walked inside and her eyes were quickly pulled to the art pieces of black women relaxing. Miranda smiled as she walked up to the counter and the woman greeted her.

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