Not Together

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Cynthia answered the door of her apartment and her sister and best friends came rushing in excited. "It's girls night, let's get this party started," Porscha yelled.

Cynthia's sister Carmen walked to the kitchen, "Cyn I bought your favorite wine and liquor but you know how you get so be careful."

"Ya'll I can't drink tonight so I just bought some Welch's sparkling juice."

"What's wrong with you? Why can't you drink Brandy asked.

"Because I think I might be pregnant," Cynthia said smiling as she sat down on the couch.

"Well I guess I'll drink for you," Porscha said.

"Cyn why do you think you're pregnant? And you've only been with this guy for a few months. You haven't even let our parents meet him," Carmen expressed.

"Ben is an anesthesiologist and he is a wonderful man. We look good together and he is ready to settle down, I'm ready to settle down. And the sex is so good. Plus I'm tired of waiting Carmen, I'm ready to be a wife and a mom. We haven't used protection each time. And I've been feeling nauseous, my breast are sore and my favorite foods don't taste good."

"Men will say one thing but when it becomes reality they act different. Do you think he would actually be excited?" Brandy asked.

"I don't know for sure but I hope so. I bought a test already I'm just afraid to take it," Cynthia shared.

"Well we're here to support you so go take the test," Porscha said.

Ben and Miranda laid in bed still asleep and holding each other when Ben heard his doorbell ring. Miranda was sleeping peacefully on his chest and he hated to wake her. The doorbell rung again and this time Miranda woke up.

"Hmmm good morning!" Miranda said with a smile.

"Good morning! Someone is at the door," Ben said getting up to answer it.

Ben answered the door and was oddly surprised to see Cynthia here this early. "Ben I have some news to share with you," Cynthia said with a smile on her face.

Ben was nervous because Cynthia didn't know that Miranda was there and he knew that she would be upset because he never mentioned he would be spending time with her.

"I thought about doing it some special way but I'm too anxious and excited for that. I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. We're starting our family," Cynthia said excited.

Ben was shocked but he smiled and kissed Cynthia. "I'm going to be a"

Miranda was standing there as she heard Cynthia and watched how Ben reacted. Cynthia heard movement and her smile faded when she saw Miranda standing in the hallway.

"Ben....what is Miranda doing here?"

" I'm here because Ben wanted me here," Miranda snapped.

"We haven't spent anytime together so we did yesterday," Ben tried answering without sounding nervous.

"So I guess the happy couple is becoming parents. That's great so I think I should leave and give you two some space," Miranda said but Ben knew from the sound of her voice she meant so much more.

Cynthia just stared at her and Ben let her go and turned to Miranda. "Miranda wait."

"No Benjamin. In the beginning you didn't want us because you said I wasn't in the same place as you and didn't know what I wanted. But honestly it's you that doesn't know what you want. And I'm not going to be a part of your indecision. So go be a family with Cynthia and I'll make it work with Antwan," Miranda said heading out the door.

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