Makings Of Us

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Miranda made it to work and she quickly ran into Chief Webber. "Chief," Miranda called out as she walked beside him.

"Hey Bailey, how's your morning?"

"Good, I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay, what is it about?"

"You remember Benjamin Warren?"

"Yeah, you and him were best friends once upon a time. What about him?"

"Well he is back in Seattle and needs a spot in the surgical residency program," Miranda said earnestly.

"So you want me to make a spot for him. What happened with the surgical program he was in?"

"His dad became sick so he moved back. And even though we ended on bad terms he deserves to finish his residency and become the surgeon he has wanted to be."

Richard folded his arms and looked down at Miranda with a sternly, skeptical expression. "Only because I know that he was a good doctor as an anesthesiologist. Let him know he can be looking for an email," Richard said walking away.

Miranda turned on her heels with a big smile on her face. She hurried to Amanda's room because she knew Ben would be there.

"Hey baby girl," Miranda said when she walked in.

Amanda was doing a breathing treatment but she giggled in the mask when she saw Miranda.

"Ben can I talk to you?" she asked.

Ben walked outside the door and Miranda smiled up at him. "So you can expect a email from Chief Webber but I know that you got a spot in the surgical residency program," Miranda grinned.

"Oh my gosh Miranda, thank you," Ben said grabbing and pulling her into a hug.

They both slowed in their movements because it had been so long since they'd hugged and physical touch was their love language. Ben closed his eyes as he rubbed her back and she did the same. Miranda slowly backed away and looked up into his eyes with a smile.

"Ummm I'm thankful and excited but I'm worried about starting because she has developed an infection from the aspiration. She's been placed on strong antibiotics," Ben shared.

"Ben she survived something that most people don't come back from. And don't worry because she has great nurses to check on her. You can come by when you have time and I will be here as well. And when your brother has time he will be here too," Miranda reassured him.

Two weeks went by and Amanda was finally out of the hospital but she was still having to do breathing treatments. Ben was getting her clothes ready for her first day at Seattle Grace Mercy West. He got her washed up after her breathing treatment and then dressed her. He put up the baby gate in his room while he went and showered. Even while he was showering he was listening hard because the fear of something else happening to her was on his mind everyday. He was grateful for the hospital daycare because he could check on her whenever he had the time. Once he was done showering he dried off and put on his clothes, grabbed some cheerios for Amanda to eat and headed out the door.

Ben made it to the hospital and hurried inside to the daycare. Ben got down to Amanda's eye level to talk to her.

"Okay baby, daddy is going to be at work and this is your new daycare. I will come see you when I have time okay."

"Okay daddy," Amanda said as she looked around the room.

"I love you Mandi bear."

"Love you too daddy."

Ben walked out of the room and watched as Amanda walked over to some blocks and began to arrange then a certain way. He hoped that she wouldn't have any issues adjusting.

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