Only You

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Miranda had been staying at Antwan's house for a few weeks now. Staying there honestly made her want a house of her own and Antwan had been the going above what was necessary. He kept groceries in the house since she been there. He had his maid come clean and do her laundry. He always had something special waiting for her when she got home. And a few times a week he would come and have dinner and a movie with her.

They refrained from continuing the sexual relationship that they started out with because Miranda didn't feel ready to be sexual and he didn't pressure her. But some days he would stay and they would sleep cuddled in each others arms. It felt good but to Miranda it didn't feel the way it felt with Ben and that made her sad.

Miranda knew she needed to stay away from him for the sake of his relationship even though she didn't care for Cynthia. Ben was still reaching out to her and they would talk but it felt awkward at times. He wanted them to go out or she come and hang out but with all that she'd been through she didn't want the drama.

Ben was on his daily run and he was thinking. It had been a few weeks since he had seen Miranda and it honestly felt like he'd loss his best friend. Though they talked and she explained that she didn't want to cause drama in his relationship with Cynthia it made him sad and frustrated. Ever since Miranda moved out Cynthia was moving even faster to try and take their relationship to the next level. Cynthia basically moved in and was making his apartment her own. She talked about their future which made Ben excited because he was ready to settle down. But when he thought about the future he could only see Miranda's face. Ben didn't understand why he didn't feel brave enough to say no and slow things down. Maybe it was the sex that was making it hard for him. He had to admit that their sex life was good and he didn't want to stop that.

Ben finished his run and made it home. When he got there Cynthia was standing in the kitchen making a smoothie.

"Hey babe, how was your run?"

"It was good, felt like I could've gone longer."

"Do you want to try my smoothie to replenish your energy?" Cynthia offered as she looked into his eyes seductively.

Ben stared at her as he tasted the smoothie. "It's good, can you make me one while I take a shower?" Ben asked walking away.

"Okay future husband," Cynthia said low but Ben heard her. He walked slowly and he didn't like the way that statement made him feel.

He stood in the shower thinking; Cynthia was a beautiful and good woman which is why he was with her but she wasn't Miranda. But he and Miranda were best friends and at first his concern was that she wasn't ready for a real relationship.  Now he worried about messing up the relationship they had by making it romantic although they both felt more for each other. And Cynthia wasn't comfortable with the dynamics of the relationship he had with Miranda. But Miranda was just as amazing....Ben didn't know what to do but he wanted to see Miranda.

The last time they talked she told him she would be off work. So he decided that he would go see her and he would just tell Cynthia he had some business to take care of. After Ben finished showering and getting dressed, he put on his shoes and walked out of the bedroom. Cynthia smiled looking at him and she reached into the freezer and handed him his smoothie. Ben tasted it and smiled.

"This is so good Cyn, thank you. Hmmm I have somethings that I need to do so I will see you later."

"Well I'm having a girls night with my sister and best friends so I will actually be staying at my place tonight. Unless you want me to cancel and spend time with you. We could have sex all night," Cynthia said seductively as she touched his chest.

"No, I think him and I need a break from the workout you put his through so go have your girls night," Ben said with a chuckle in his voice and Cynthia just rolled her eyes playfully.

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