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Ben and Cynthia made it to his apartment and were making out on the couch. Ben was enjoying himself but all he could think about was Miranda. Cynthia began to undo Ben's belt bucket when Ben stopped her. She looked at him to see what was the matter.

"I'm sorry Cyn it's just been so long so I'm a little nervous," Ben explained.

"Well maybe if we go to the bedroom, get comfortable and then we can go as slow as you need to," Cynthia suggested.

They got up off the couch and headed to the bedroom. They both slowly got undressed and settled on the bed. Ben sat up against the headboard and held his mouth open as Cynthia slowly stroked and sucked on his manhood.

"Is that good baby?" She asked as she stared at his facial expressions.

"Yes that feels good," Ben said.

Miranda was rushed into Seattle Grace Mercy West emergency room and everyone gasped.

"Oh my God! Dr. Bailey," her resident Christina said.

She called Dr. Webber to the emergency room and when he saw Miranda laying in the trauma bay being assessed he began yelling and giving orders.

"What happened to her?" Webber asked.

"A doctor from Seattle Press brought her in. They were leaving the bar and he saw this man follow her to her building," the nurse told Webber.

Dr. Webber walked out of the tramua room and met Antwan. "Dr. Wesley, thank you for being there and stopping the man that did this. Miranda is so important to me and this whole hospital," Webber shared.

"Yeah I'm glad I was there but I wish I would've gotten there sooner. I was leaving but she left after me and I just happen to turn and see her walking into her building down the street. He was standing on the corner and followed her in and it just didn't look right."

"Well again, thank you," Webber said patting him on his shoulder.

Ben and Cynthia were just about to have sex for the first time when his phone began to ring. Cynthia pulled him close and kissed his neck and chest.

"Don't answer it baby, it's not important."

Ben was content with ignoring it until it rang again just s second later. He looked over at his phone and saw that Chief Webber was calling him.

"Cyn babe I have to answer it's Dr. Webber and he never calls me this late," Ben explained.

Cynthia pulled and stroked his dick as he answered the phone.

"Mmmmm hey chief, what's up?" Ben asked.

Ben quickly stopped Cynthia from stroking him and he got off the bed. "Wait what....WHAT!"

"Chief Webber I'm on my way," Ben said before hanging up.

Ben quickly got dressed without saying anything. "Ben what's wrong? It can't be a big trauma because you would've just got a text."

"Something happened to Miranda so I have to go. You can let yourself out," Ben said rushing.

"No I can just come with you," Cynthia said getting up.

Ben rushed into the ER leaving Cynthia to park his car. "Where is Miranda?" Ben asked a nurse and she told him that she had been moved to a regular room. As Ben was trying to make his way through the ER to get to the elevators Jefferson saw him.

"Dr.Warren! I saw that your girlfriend got hurt. Looks like one of her boy toys had enough of her."

Before Ben knew it he punched him right in the nose.

Necessary FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now