Different Places

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Ben open the apartment door while holding Miranda's waist because she was slightly off balance. Miranda stumbled into his apartment and giggled. She danced even though there was no music and back into Ben.

Ben groaned because he knew it was going to be a long evening dealing with this. He just couldn't leave her at that bar alone for someone to try and take advantage of her.

"Come on Miranda let's go sit down on the couch. And I'm going to get you some water and bread to help you sober up," Ben said.

"No I don't want that I came here for good head and dick Benjamin," Miranda said pulling at his shirt and belt buckle.

Ben backed away and grabbed her hands. Miranda noticed his movement and her face saddened.

"You don't find me attractive?" Miranda asked with her pouty lips that instantly made Ben feel bad.

"It's because I'm not skinny enough? My ex husband cheated on me with all these skinny model looking women. And he was always pointing out my belly and arms," Miranda said as she started to get emotional.

"No Miranda that's not it, your body is fine the way it is. And I'm very attracted to you but you've  had several drinks and I don't want to have sex with you when you're this intoxicated."

"My vagina still works, it didn't stop working just because I've been drinking Benjamin. You're a doctor you should know that," Miranda said as she fell onto the couch.

Ben tried not to laugh at what she just said. "I know Miranda but I would want you to remember the way I make love to you," Ben said sitting next to her.

"I don't need to be made love to Benjamin. I just want to be fucked good for once in my life. Being in love is overrated because I thought my ex husband loved me. Now I'm just trying to make up for loss time so I'm choosing to be wild and free. I think men call it sowing their wild oaks," Miranda said pacing and stumbling around Ben's living room.

"Miranda please come sit down," Ben begged.

"Yeah okay because I am starting to get a little dizzy," Miranda said as she fell across Ben's lap.

Ben tucked his lips in and looked up because Miranda's ass was in his face because of how she fell onto him. He slowly rolled her off of him so he could stand up then he put her bottom half back on the couch. He quickly went into his kitchen to grab some water and bread. Then he went into his medicine cabinet to grab some Motrin.

"Bennn," he heard Miranda call his name.

As soon as he looked at her he saw the look on her face and he quickly grabbed the trash can running over to her before she vomited all over his floor.

"Whew I just got this rug," Ben said.

"Sorry," Miranda mumbled before she continued vomiting.

Ben made her hold the trashcan and he went to get the water bottle, bread and Motrin that was on the counter. When Ben walked back over to Miranda she picked her head up and looked at Ben with tears in her eyes.

"I don't think we can have sex now Benjamin," Miranda slurred before gagging.

"We definitely cannot Miranda," Ben said sitting back down beside her and rubbed her back.

Miranda woke up but didn't want to open her eyes because her head was hurting. She groaned from feeling both queasy and hungry. She finally opened her eyes and realized she definitely wasn't at home and this wasn't her bed. She sat up slowly and saw a trashcan beside the bed along with water and pain medicine.

She heard someone moving around outside the door and she tried to remember what happened last night. She remembered the man she saw and how she wanted to have sex with him. She figured they didn't have sex because the other side of the bed looked untouched and she obviously had gotten sick last night because she wasn't in her dress anymore.

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