Getting To Know You

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Ben had been thinking about Miranda, wondering how she was doing. He didn't want to text her because Miranda had been so adamant about what she wanted. But honestly he understood where she was coming from. At one point he was so in love with a woman from that he was sure he was going to marry this woman. He later found out that she was just using him for companionship and sex until the man she really wanted was ready to be with her. After that he vowed to not fall in love.

He would only give of himself what she was always after which was his sex. Ben knew he was good in bed and he was always upfront with his partners that he just wanted sex so there were never any issues. But after awhile he got tired of having one night stands or sleeping around but not feeling anything for the woman he was with. So he decided to be abstinent until he met the right woman and was able to make sure she really wanted him for him.

If he was still following his old ways he knew he could give Miranda the orgasm she was chasing because he loved pleasuring the woman he was with. But he wasn't that man anymore and maybe he could help her get to the place he was in so she didn't run into someone crazy Ben thought to himself.

Miranda laid in bed with her hands behind her head thinking about Benjamin. She had never met a man who was so kind, caring and attentive the way he was. So much so he took care of her in her intoxicated state. Her ex husband never showed that much care for her. She wished that Ben would have sex with her because she was sure that it would everything she needed.

"Mhmmm how does that feel pretty lady?" the man that was attempting to eat her out asked.

Miranda looked down at him to see him looking at her with a toothy grin on his face.

"I don't know Terrance, I thought I wanted it but I'm just not in the mood anymore," Miranda expressed.

"Honestly I can tell, you're not even getting wet," Terrance said as he sat up and Miranda did the same.

"Is there something you want to talk about? I can be a listening ear pretty lady."

Miranda touched his big muscular chest. "That's really sweet of you Terrance but I don't want to involve you in my personal issues."

"My tongue was just on your clit, I would say that's pretty personal."

"Yes it is but I need to work this out on my own. Thank you though," Miranda said as she got up and put her sweat pants back on.

Terrance left and Miranda decided that she would call Ben. She owed him a favor for taking care of her so she was going to see if he would be willing to go to dinner.

Ben was sitting at his kitchen island on his laptop when his phone rang. He looked at it surprised to see it was Miranda calling him.

Miranda paced her bedroom floor waiting for him to answer the phone.

"Hello," the manly and smooth voice came through the phone surprising Miranda for some reason.

"Hey Dr. Warren this is Dr. Miranda Bailey."

Ben chuckled, "Miranda I know that it's you. I saved your number in my phone and you can just call me Ben."

"Right sorry....ummm I told you I would owe you a favor and you haven't contacted me. So I figured that if you're not busy we could go out to dinner and it be my treat," Miranda said softly.

Ben looked at his watch and saw that it was only 8:30pm. "Well I haven't ate dinner yet and I was honestly just going to order some take out. But I can come pick you up and we can go out."

"Okay great I will text you my address and be ready in 45 minutes," Miranda said.

When they hung up she ran into the bathroom all giddy and turned the shower on. Miranda quickly finished her shower, and did the rest of her hygiene and skin routine. She sat on her bench in front of her bed and moisturized her body before putting on her robe so that she could do some lite makeup. Then she went into her closet and decided to wear some black jeans that hugged her hips and booty just right. She then picked a baby blue wrap blouse and a black leather jacket with black ankle boots.

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