All Coming Together

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Miranda and Ben sat in the obgyn waiting room waiting for her name to be called for the appointment. She had already gotten blood work done one day while at work to confirm her HCG levels. Now she was getting her first ultrasound done. Miranda sat there nervously waiting and Ben could see it in her body language. He rested he hand on her thigh and she sighed deeply.

"Why are you nervous baby?" Ben asked softly.

"I just want to make sure this is real. I'm afraid that the test was wrong, the bloodwork was wrong and that when we get in there there won't actually be a baby," Miranda said tearing up.

Ben kissed her lips and rubbed her thigh. "It's going to be okay Miranda."

The nurse finally called her name and they went into the exam room. Ben helped Miranda up onto the table and she went ahead and laid back to wait for the nurse to come in. When the nurse came in Miranda looked anxious so Ben grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Hello, I'm Katrina and I will be doing your ultrasound. Do you know how many weeks along you are?"

"My periods are irregular so I'm not usually able to go by that. But I believe I might be eight weeks along."

"Okay well let's do the ultrasound and see how big the fetus is."

Miranda lifted her blouse and looked over at Ben who smiled at her as reassurance. Katrina squeezed the jelly on her belly then began moving the transducer across her lower abdomen.

"There your little raspberry is," Katrina cooed as the sound of a heartbeat came through and Miranda and Ben both started crying.

Ben stood up and kissed her lips. "See I told you that everything would be okay."

"Were you all worried?" Katrina asked.

"I just didn't think I had the ability to get pregnant and I was worried that I might be having an hysterical pregnancy," Miranda explained.

"Oh okay, I understand that, it happens all the time. But now you know and you can be at ease and get excited."

"I want to do the blood work to find out the sex, I really don't want to wait," Miranda said.

"We can schedule that for in a couple of weeks. And here are the pictures of the baby."

"Thank you," Ben said taking them.

They left the appointment but now they needed to work on moving Ben's stuff out of the townhouse.Ben put his townhouse on the market and quickly began moving his and Amanda's things over to Miranda's house. It was finally a day that Ben and Miranda were both off so they agreed to finish moving to the house and giving stuff to the Salvation Army.

Miranda stood in the kitchen ordering food while Ben brought boxes to their SUV's. After see ordered food she began packing up, throwing stuff away, deciding what should be given away and cleaning. When Miranda had gotten a lot done she decided to take a break just in time for the food to come.

"Benjamin the food is here," Miranda yelled up the stairs.

Ben came down the stairs and they sat at the counter. Ben smiled as he watched Miranda eat contently.

"Do you want to start shopping for the baby or wait and find out the sex," Ben asked.

"I want to start shopping for unisex items. And since we will be getting blood work done we won't have to wait long to find out the sex," Miranda said.

They finished up at Ben's townhome and went home to set Amanda's bedroom with the new stuff they ordered so it could be their first official night in the house as a family. Miranda hung all her clothes while Ben set up all of her furniture and fixed her bed. Miranda finished and left the room while Ben continued. When he was done he went to find Miranda and found her asleep in their bedroom. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He decided to go ahead and go get Amanda from daycare so they could spend the rest of the afternoon together.

When Ben and Amanda arrived back home  they walked to the bedroom to see if Miranda was awake. He knew that Miranda would want to see how Amanda would react to her new bedroom. Amanda ran in the room and stopped seeing Miranda still asleep. She turned and looked at her dad and gestured for him to be quiet. Ben smirked because of how cute she looked doing that. He picked her up and put her on the bed and she laid down looking into Miranda's face before touching her cheek.
Miranda eyes fluttered open and we're met by Amanda's big, brown eyes.

"Hey baby girl," Miranda said holding the toddler's hand.

"Hi Mandy bear, wake up."

"I'm tired baby girl," Miranda said stretching and Ben scooted Miranda over gently so he could be behind her.

"Do you want to go see your new bedroom? Ben asked the three year old and she nodded her head.

The little family walked down the hallway and Ben opened the door. Amanda walked in and ran over to the twin bed that was bigger than the one she had in Ben's townhome. She was small so she tried to pull herself up and Ben rushed to get her on the bed.

"Going to have to get a small step stool until she gets taller," Ben said.

Amanda flopped back onto the teddy bear that was placed between the pillows which made Miranda and Ben chuckle.

"Mandy bear I'm sleepy too," Amanda said as they sat down on her bed.

"Well take a nap baby girl and when you get up it will be dinner time," Miranda replied.

They walked out and left her door open. They held hands as they walked down the hallway to the kitchen. Ben looked over at Miranda with a smile on his face. There were so many words but nothing was being said. In that moment it was hard to express how surreal and sweet their reality was.

Miranda sat at the island on her laptop looking at baby items as Ben cooked dinner. He wiped his hands on the dish towel and stood behind her looking at what she was choosing.

"I'm so excited," Ben said.

"Me too but I'm nervous. I don't want anything to go wrong," Miranda expressed.

"I believe it won't and if anything were to go wrong I promise to be right here however you need me," Ben said kissing her forehead.

"You know along with planning for the baby we have to plan for a wedding," Ben said.

"I don't even have an engagement ring Benjamin."

"Don't worry you're getting an engagement ring. But that's one thing we've never discussed, what kind of engagement ring would you want?"

"I don't know, pick something that you think reflects me," Miranda said.

"Okay baby, next week you will have your ring and then we can start planning."

A few weeks had passed and Ben was so giddy to find out what the sex of their baby was.

"What do you think we're having? I think it's a girl and I've always just wanted to be a girl dad. But if it's a boy that's okay too because then I can raise him right and teach him how to be a good man. Ya know teach him how to be even better than me."

Miranda just looked at Ben, rolling her eyes playfully and shaking her head. They did the blood test and were holding the envelope with the results but Ben was going on and on that Miranda hadn't opened it yet. Since he was rambling Miranda decided to just open it. Ben paused all his chattering when Miranda opened the paper and read it. She smiled and then handed it to him.

"Awww WE'RE HAVING A GIRL!" Ben yelled startling Miranda but making her laugh at his excitement.

"Now I can shop the way I want to," Miranda said as she got up out the chair and grabbed Ben's wallet before walking out of the bedroom. Ben rushed out of the bedroom behind her.

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