Getting To Know You More

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Miranda was doing what she always seemed to be doing lately, getting ate out while thinking about Ben. They'd been talking on the phone and texting daily since the night they spent time together. There was so much chemistry between them but Miranda honestly was coming around to the idea of them just being friends.

As Miranda was just thinking about everything she realized she was actually about to cum. She grabbed the back of his head, pressed his face further into her pussy and rocked her hips. She smiled and bit her lip enjoying the way he was feasting on her honeypot. Just as she was cumming her phone vibrated and she looked over to see Ben calling.

"Ahhhh shit Benn," Miranda said as she came in the man's mouth.

He sat up some and looked at her, "Miranda my name is Antwan, who is Ben?" he questioned.

Antwan was a general surgeon at Seattle Press.  He was smart, handsome, dark skinned and  he was super sweet. Miranda met him at a recent conference that was being held in Seattle and they had very obvious sexual chemistry. After the conference they kept running into each other. Today she saw him at the grocery store on the way home and they got that feeling again. Miranda boldly asked if he wanted to come over and he quickly agreed.

Even though he was quiet he had a confidence and swag about him that was sexy. When they were close to each other the sexual chemistry was undeniable and they both felt.

"I'm sorry, my friend is calling me,"Miranda explained.

"Do you want to be on the phone with your friend or busy getting this thick dick?" Antwan asked grabbing himself which shocked Miranda because she didn't know he could talk that way.

Miranda smiled as she grabbed the condom off of the nightstand. Miranda moaned sweetly as Antwan kissed her neck and breast. He lined himself up to her and pushed in slowly. Miranda pushed her head back into the pillow and gripped his biceps.

"Damn Miranda", Antwan whispered into her neck as he stroked deeply and slowly.

"Antwan I don't want to be made love to baby, fuck me please," Miranda demanded sweetly.

Antwan growled at her request as he began to pound into her faster and harder.

"Yes just like that," miranda moaned.

Antwan had her legs pushed against her chest as he pounded into her just how she wanted it. Just as Miranda was about to cum there was a loud knock on her door.

"Antwan baby don't stop," Miranda panted as she pulled him close and kissed his big lips.

The loud knock on the door came again. "Ugh noooo I'm about to climax, who is at my door?" Miranda whined.

Antwan rubbed her clit vigorously as he continued to pound deep into her pussy and Miranda began to shake as she came.

"Oh my god thank you," Miranda praised as she kissed his lips then got up to answer the door.

"Miranda baby just ignore the door," Antwan shouted room the bedroom.

Miranda tied her robe around her body tightly then swung the door open ready to give whoever it was an attitude.

"Benjamin," Miranda gasped.

Hey....I was calling you but you didn't answer and you usually answer. Were you asleep?" Ben asked as he held grocery bags in his hand.

Ben walked in and went to her kitchen. Miranda was still quiet because she just realized that he said he would cook for her this evening. And the dessert she bought for for their dinner. But she had a man in her bedroom who was expecting a second sex session.

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