Feels Like the End

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For the next several weeks Ben was occupied with going back and forth to Seattle Press because the baby was still in the NICU. Her lungs were getting stronger but she was having issues keeping milk down and she had aspirated some of her vomit the other night so now she was having respiratory issues from that.

Cynthia would come a couple of times a week but never stayed long. For the most part it was only Ben, his brother and dad. Cynthia's parents, sister and best friends would come and they would encourage her to come visit.

Ben sat in the room staring at the baby when Carmen, Cynthia's mom walked in. He sat up in the chair before greeting her. Carmen stood by the incubator and smiled, "she actually has most of your features."

"My dad said the same thing," Ben said as he rubbed his head.

"I know Cynthia hasn't been as present as she should be but she seems to be battling severe postpartum depression so I will be here when she can't."

"That's understandable Carmen, ummm I'm going to go because I'm getting a headache and I haven't taken my seizure medication today because I left it home."

"Are you going to be able to get home safely?"

"Yes I will just call my brother to come get me," Ben said before he placed his hand on the incubator and walked out.

Ben called Curt and then he sat on the bench outside waiting with his head in his  hands. "I've been doing so good please don't let me have a seizure," Ben mumbled to himself.

Miranda had been taking some time to think and figure out if she actually wanted to be with Ben romantically. She had also been trying to give him time to get adjusted to being a dad and she didn't want any issues with Cynthia so she had been staying away. But she really wanted to see him and talk so she decided to call him.

Ben was in Curt's car with his eyes closed, praying that he wouldn't have a seizure when his phone rang. Ben answered it quickly, "Hello."

"Hey Ben it's Miranda."

"Hey Miranda, haven't heard from you in weeks," Ben said with a slight attitude.

"I know and I'm sorry. I just wanted to give you and Cynthia space and I didn't want to be in the way."

"You would be here for me Miranda, you're supposed to be my best friend."

"Well can I come see you and we can talk?"

"Curt is taking me home right now."

"Okay I will be there soon," Miranda said.

Ben made it home and he made a sandwich to eat so that he could take his medication. Soon as he sat down his doorbell rang and he got up to answer it. Miranda stood there with a soft look on her face as she held out shopping bags and walked pass him.

Ben closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. Miranda sat the bags she brought in down and walked into the kitchen. She watched as Ben scarfed a sandwich down and she scrunched up her face.

"Why are you eating so fast Ben?"

"I haven't taken my seizure medication today and I have a headache. The headaches usually indicate a seizure but I'm hoping I can stop it," Ben said as he popped the pills in his mouth and drank some of his water.

"Come here and lay down," Miranda gestured as she walked into the living room.

Ben walked behind Miranda to the living room and Miranda gestured for him to lay in her lap. Ben laid down and closed his eyes as Miranda gently massaged his temples.

"How is the baby doing?"

"She is still having respiratory issues that are going to keep her there for a few more weeks."

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