All I Ever Wanted

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Miranda woke up but she kept her eyes closed, just feeling her surroundings. Ben had his arms wrapped around her naked body. She could feel the affects of all the sex they had. Her vagina was sore and her legs hurt a little from Ben pushing them to her chest and pounding into her. Ben woke her up a couple of hours later for a couple more rounds before they were completely done for the night.

Miranda reflected and smiled thinking about how this was what she wanted all along and she finally had it. As she was thinking she felt Ben pulled her closer to his body and he kissed her shoulder.

"Good morning my love," Ben said in a deep morning voice.

"Good morning Benjamin," Miranda replied as she pushed her booty into his crotch.

"I have to go get our girl but can I have you one more time before we leave?" Ben asked.

Something about Ben asking her permission sent chills down her back so Miranda moaned her consent. Ben lifted her leg and began rubbing his dick against her clit. Within seconds Miranda was so wet and she impatiently began throwing her ass back wanting Ben inside of her. Not wanting to wait any longer himself, he slowly pushed himself inside of her and she gasped then moaned sweetly.

Ben put his hand between her legs and rubbed her clit as he thrusted into her and she met each one by throwing her ass back. Ben was effortlessly hitting her g spot while stimulating her clit.

"Ahhh Ben slow down, I'm not ready to cum yet," Miranda squealed as she fought to make her climax subside.

Ben groaned, "don't worry I can make you cum again," Ben whispered in her ear.

Miranda threw her ass back faster and Ben rubbed her clit, "uhhhhh Benn," Miranda moaned loudly as she came. 

Miranda's body spasmed and shook as she moaned and grunted. Ben continued to stroke slowly as he felt his own climax approaching slowly. Ben placed his hand on her hip and began thrusting his dick into her fast but precise, touching her g-spot so that he could do what he said.

"Damn I love making love to you," Ben said.

"Me too," Miranda moaned out.

"I'm cumming," Ben growled.

Miranda leaned her head back into his chest as they came together. Ben kissed her shoulder and Miranda turned so that she could be face to face with him. She caressed his face and kissed his lips hungrily. Miranda buried her face in Ben's chest and groaned.

"I'm not ready to get up, I just want to do this for the rest of the day," Miranda said.

"I know, me too. But we can plan a trip and spend the whole time doing this," Ben said.

"Now let's get up and go get Mandy bear so we can go to work," Ben said.

Ben and Miranda got up, showered, got dressed and then drove to Curt's apartment. They held hands as Ben knocked on the door and waited for Curt to answer. When he answered the door Amanda was standing in the living room staring before she ran up to Ben.

"Daddy," she said as he picked her up and hugged her.

She stared at Miranda before reaching out to her and Miranda kissed her hand and smiled. 

Weeks later....

The trio walked into Ben's house after leaving the hospital after a long day. Mandy quickly ran up the stairs which bothered Miranda because she was always afraid she would get hurt.

"Mandy baby don't—

"Miranda she is fine, she's been going up the stairs since she was two," Ben said pulling her into him by her waist.

Ben kissed her forehead before walking away to the kitchen. Miranda walked up the stairs to find Amanda sitting at her door waiting patiently. "Baby girl, open the door," Miranda said sweet but firm.

The three year old looked up at her, "Mandy bear it's dark in there."

"It is dark and sometimes the dark can be scary. And it's okay to be afraid but we can't let that stop us. We just need to turn on the light so it's not dark anymore," Miranda said holding the toddler's hand.

Amanda stood up and opened the door before slowly walking in with Miranda right behind her. She then quickly walked over and pulled string that turned on her princess lamp. When the light turned on she turned to Miranda and smiled.

"Good job baby girl," Miranda praised as she knelt down and embraced her.

"Let's get a bath and put on PJs before dinner?" Miranda said in a question.

Amanda sat on the bed playing with her stuffed animal before she looked at Miranda and headed to the bathroom. Once they were done with bath time and Amanda had on her pajamas Miranda picked her up and walked back down stairs. Ben was in the kitchen getting dinner prepared and he already made chicken nuggets, sweet potatoes and apples for Mandy. Ben sat her plate in front of her and she just sat there waiting.

Ben looked over at her and smirked knowing she didn't want to eat alone. "You can go ahead and eat Mandy bear."

"Mandy bear and daddy not eating."

"We're going to eat baby girl, daddy just has to finish our food," Miranda said.

Amanda held Miranda's hand and waited patiently until Ben and Miranda started eating. When dinner was over the little family moved to Amanda's bedroom and the couple read the toddler bedtime stories until she fell asleep. Ben and Miranda got ready for bed and Miranda came back from the kitchen with water and a ginger ale.

"I'll take the ginger ale," Ben teased and Miranda snatched it away.

"That's mine Benjamin."

"I know, you've been drinking them a lot lately," Ben chuckled.

"I—I know when we made love for the first time several weeks ago that I joked about you getting me pregnant but I kind of think you did. So I got a pregnancy test to take," Miranda said sheepishly.

Ben was quiet with his mouth hanging open before he jumped up and pulled Miranda to the bathroom.

"Benjamin," Miranda whined.

"I may have bought a test too because I noticed you get nauseous when I make eggs and when we have sex your breast feel bigger," Ben said biting his bottom lip and they both chuckled.

Ben opened the pregnancy test while Miranda quickly pulled her night gown up and sat on the toilet. Ben handed her one of the small disposable cups he used for mouth wash and she peed into it. When she was finished she put the test in the urine then waited for the test. They both sat on the bed to wait and Ben kept looking at her with loving eyes and kissing her.

"Miranda I think you should move in. You've been staying the night for the last several weeks. And if we're going to become parents we have to be in the same home."

"Well my house has five bedrooms so you and Amanda should move in with me," Miranda replied and Ben nodded in agreement.

The timer went off and they both jumped up. Ben walked in front of Miranda she stood beside him before she turned the stick over to see the two pink lines. She gasped as Ben embraced her and tears fell  like a waterfall from her eyes. She was married for years and they tried for seven before giving up. And in less than three months she and Ben were pregnant. Ben walked them over to the bed as he continued to hold her and wipe his own tears.

"I honestly was joking, I thought that I couldn't get pregnant," Miranda said wiping her tears.

Ben held her face in his hands, "it was meant to happen with me," Ben said before kissing her.

"This is how I wanted to things to be. You and I together, creating a family and building our life together. The only other thing we have to do is get married," Ben expressed.

Miranda just looked up at him with tear stained cheeks. "You really want to get married to me?"

"Absolutely, I've never been more sure of anything," Ben said as he touched her belly. Miranda leaned in and kissed his lips gently before hugging him again.

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