Not the Time

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Ben paced back and forth thinking about how he should approach Miranda. He knew that she loved him like he loved her but she was in this situation-ship with Antwan. He needed to find a way to show her that it was worth ending so that they could finally be together.

Miranda was standing at the nurses station when flowers were brought to her. Miranda stared at the large bouquet of roses and hydrangeas and smelled them. Richard came up behind her smiling, "Well Bailey is  Dr. Wesley still sending you flowers? There must be something special going on."

Miranda looked at him amused, "I guess so but I don't know what it is and he usually sends the flowers to my house now," Miranda said.

The end of the day came and Miranda made it home. She took a shower and was about to sit on the couch and relax when her doorbell rang. She figured it was Antwan surprising her like he often did. When she swung open the door the smile she had on faded into shock seeing Ben standing there in a suit.

"Benjamin, what's going on?" Miranda asked as she looked pass him and saw a limo.

"I want to take you out on a date. I even have a dress so you don't have to think about it," Ben said giving her the smile that always maybe her body tingle.

Ben gave her the dress and shoe box and the she turn to walk to her bedroom. She gasped when she saw the beautiful, satin, purple dress and the black lace up heels to go with it. Miranda did a little makeup and curled her hair before slipping on the dress and heels. She looked herself over in the mirror, feeling satisfied. When she walked back out into her living room Ben stood up in awe of how beautiful she looked.

Ben walked over to her and grabbed her hands. "Come on let's go get in the limo."

When they walked out outside the driver was waiting with the door open. Ben helped Miranda get in the limo and he got in behind her. There was champagne and Ben handed her a glass and poured some in her glass.

"You're not supposed to be drinking when you're taking seizure medication," Miranda stated in a concerned tone.

"No but I want you to enjoy yourself. I will just enjoy this sparkling juice," Ben said sheepishly.

"Where are we going?" Miranda asked.

"Well first we're going to dinner and the rest is a surprise."

They arrived at Altura and Ben got out and helped Miranda get out of the limo. They walked into the restaurant and the hostess took them to a table.

"Ben this place is expensive and you have a baby coming."

"Miranda don't worry about the money. I've never been financially irresponsible and I have plenty of money so no worries. Let's just enjoy this time together."

"Okay, we haven't been out in a long time and definitely not like this."

"I wanted to take you out on this date because you are my friend, you deserve to be pampered and I love you."

"I love you too. But does Cynthia know you're doing this extravagant thing for me?" Miranda asked with her eyebrow arched.

"No and she doesn't have to....we ended things. She finally saw what I've known all along but was afraid to admit."

"And what is that?" Miranda asked sipping on her drink.

"That I love you and my feelings for you are more than platonic."

Miranda didn't respond she just ate her food and they talked. It reminded her of how they use to be before things changed. Once dinner was over they got back in the limo and Ben smiled big.

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