Meeting You Again

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Ben was sleeping soundly when he was awaken by a soft knocks on his bedroom door.

"Daddy," he heard Amanda sniffling.

Ben jumped up and opened his door to see his three year old covered in vomit and her caramel face puffy and red from crying. Ben picked her up, carried her into his bathroom and put her in the bath tube.

Ben gave her a bath while holding her up because was leaning against his arm as he bathed her. Once he cleaned her up he went to her bathroom and stared in horror at all the vomit on her bed and her bathroom floor. He reached over and grabbed her lotion and more pjs before going back to his bedroom and lotion her down and put her pajamas on. He grabbed a towel and laid her on it before going and cleaning her bed and bathroom.

Ben blew out his breath as he slowly got back in bed. He touched her face and realized she was burning up. He didn't know what was causing her to be sick because several hours before she was her normal, happy self. He got up, grabbed a wash cloth, wet it and placed the cool cloth on her back. Ben was finally drifting back to sleep when he heard the sound of vomiting then gagging. He turned on his lamp and saw that she was vomiting and possibly aspirating her vomit. He quickly picked her up and started patting her back but her body went limp. Ben rushed to grab his phone and call 911.

Miranda and her residents walked out to the ambulance bay, putting their gloves on and waiting for the ambulance that could be heard letting them know it wasn't far away. Seconds later the rig pulled up and Miranda walked to the doors.

"We have a three year old female who may have some type of virus. Her dad said she aspirated on her vomit and became unresponsive. We intubated her to give respiratory support."

"She has a history of respiratory issues and I have to give her breathing treatments. She was fine several hours ago so I'm not sure what's wrong," Ben said with a shaky voice.

Miranda spun around recognizing his voice and the moment she saw his face all the feeling rushed to the surface. "Benjamin Warren....ummm we will take care of her I promise," Miranda said before the door closed to the trauma room.

Ben went and sat in a chair, putting his face in his hands. He needed to call Curt so that he could be here with him. Miranda  came out of the room as they moved Amanda out of the room.

"Hey so they're moving her up to the pediatric ICU. We are keeping her intubated to suction the rest of the vomit out of her lungs so that her lungs won't collapse. You can come with me and I can show you were to go," Miranda said softly.

"Miranda I still remember how to get around the hospital so I got it," Ben said as he walked away towards the elevators.

Miranda blew out her breath as she headed towards the stairwell. It had been three years and he obviously still felt some type of way. He still made the same expressions when he was aggravated and trying to avoid something.

Miranda made it to the nurses station, she was going to give them orders for what to give Amanda but decided to run it by Ben first since he was a doctor.

"Dr. Warren, I was going to order for her to have steroids to strengthen her lungs as well as hydrocortisone intravenously for inflammation. I also want to go ahead and push antibiotics to avoid an infection taking place," Miranda said playing with her hands.

Ben watched her doing this and smiled. "Miranda you don't have to be nervous, I know you're a good doctor. And all of that sounds fine, thank you," Ben said as he turned back to his daughter.

Miranda stopped pulling at her fingers, "I also want to wait a few hours then extubate so that she can breath on her own and we'll just supplement with high flow oxygen," Miranda said before leaving the room.

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