Miss You

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Six months later....

Ben stood in the baby store looking at all the baby clothes. He smiled because he was excited to be a dad. He and Cynthia were having a little girl but she had been pressuring him with the idea of marriage. He thought that when they moved into a bigger apartment that she would be satisfied but she wasn't. And he didn't know how to tell her that he just wasn't ready to be married.

Ben bought the items he picked out and headed back home. He was tired and had been having these terrible headaches for weeks. So he was ready to get home so he could take something for it and relax. Cynthia was working today so he had the place to himself. As Ben was driving he felt himself getting dizzy but he tired to shake it off. Ben's eyes began to go blurry but he tired to press on his brakes as he felt himself blacking out.

Miranda was in the PIT at the nurses station when they got a call that a MVC was on the way in. Miranda got up and gowned up before rushing out the door to wait for the ambulance. When the ambulance arrived Miranda walked to the door.

"We found a 33 year old male had run into a large tree. He's been unconscious but his vital signs are currently stable."

When they pulled the man out of the rig Miranda gasped and her eyes watered. "Benjamin!"

"Okay let's get him into trauma room one," Miranda said with her voice shaking.

Miranda tried to focus as she did her work up but all she could think about is how they hadn't spoken to each other in months. She had been avoiding him and he was obviously avoiding her because they hadn't seen each other at work. And she thought about how mad she was that he wouldn't let Cynthia go so now he was becoming a dad. And she was in a situation ship with an amazing man but  she still hoped someday Ben would come to his senses.

Miranda and other doctors continued to work on Ben when he began to open his eyes. "Ben....Benjamin it's Miranda. You're at Seattle Grace Mercy West because you were in an accident," Miranda explained.

Ben just looked at her and slowly stretched out his hand. Miranda quickly took his hand in hers. A second later Ben's eyes rolled to the back his head and he began to have a seizure.

After his seizure stopped Ben was quickly taken off to CT. Miranda stood in the room watching with her eyes burning because the tears wouldn't stop coming.

"Bailey are you going to be okay," Derrick asked.

"Ummm yeah I just need to know that he's okay."

The scan popped up and Derrick began to analyze it. "There's nothing on his scan but there is something going on that caused him to have a seizure. Do you know if he has a history of seizures?"

"No he doesn't, he has always been healthy as far as I know. But I should call his brother to find out for sure," Miranda shared.

Ben woke up and groaned still feeling the intense headache he had before passing out. He felt someone caressing his hand, "Miranda," he said in a groggy voice.

He looked over to see the tear stained face of Cynthia. "No Ben it's me Cyn."

"I though I saw Miranda earlier, she was holding my hand."

Cynthia listened and she felt anger rising up in her. It had been months and here he was hurt and still wondering about Miranda. She guess he never stopped thinking about her. Cynthia tried to get their life together on a roll so he wouldn't care about another woman whether they were best friends or not.

"Baby I know that you're hurt but why do you care if she was here? You two haven't spoken in months."

Ben just looked at her before turning his head. Cynthia felt frustrated with him and she didn't want to be stressed. "Benjamin I'm going to go home and get some rest. It's been a long day and your daughter won't stop kicking me," Cynthia said getting up and touching his forehead.

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