Settling In

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Miranda stood in the crowd of her fellow coworkers as she waited to hear what Chief Webber had to tell everyone. She tried to move to the front because she was one of the shortest people there and everyone being taller made it hard for her to see.

"Thank you everyone for stopping and taking the time to meet. We are merging with Mercy West which means that there are some of you that will be let go. We will work with you to find other jobs as well as offer severance pay. Those of you that will get let go will be receiving an email."

After the meeting everyone was on edge wondering if they were one of the ones losing their job. Miranda walked around confident that she wasn't losing her job because she was Dr. Miranda Bailey and she was excellent at her job. But she was excited because Ben worked at Mercy West so she hoped he was being transferred instead of let go. As Miranda stood at the nurses station going over a patient's chart, Dr. Callie Torres walked up beside her.

"Hey Miranda! So how do you feel about the merger?"

"I don't feel anything," Miranda said as she continued looking at a chart.

"Really? You don't feel worried that you might get let go? Or that the mercy west employees will come in and try to take over?" asked puzzled.

"No because I'm an excellent doctor and surgeon so this hospital would be crazy to let me go," Miranda said matter a factly.

"Well I wish I could be that sure," Callie said.

"You should be, you're an excellent ortho surgeon," Miranda said.

"You're right...thank you Miranda," Callie said squaring her shoulders and smiling.

Ben sat in the attending lounge on his laptop waiting for the email that the chief of surgery mentioned they would be getting. This email would inform him on whether he was moving over to Seattle Grace or being let go all together. He was confident but still nervous because although he was a great anesthesiologist, he knew they could still choose someone else to go to Seattle Grace.

He slowly put in his email information and saw the email he and others had been waiting for. He opened the email and immediately smiled seeing that he would be an attending at Seattle Grace Mercy West. He was going to surprise Miranda and let her know they would get to work together.

The past few weeks they'd been spending time together and becoming best friends. He liked her a lot; they had chemistry and the conversations were effortless. The other night while he was on call and just relaxing in an on call room they sat on the phone talking and she was sharing about some amazing surgeries that she'd done. It allowed him to see what an amazing surgeon she is and it made him groan because she is amazing and he wished there could be more. But he never really had a female friend before so he was excited for the friendship they were building.

The end of his shift came and he text Miranda to see if she was able to leave the hospital early today. She usually always had surgery but often enough she would get out by late evening. He wanted to get food and go hangout at her place. They hadn't actually hung out much since the last time. They only talked on the phone or texted all day, everyday. Ben decided to call her instead and he waited anxiously and excited as the phone rang.

Miranda was coming from a surgery and was about to round on her patients one last time before going home. As she walked down the hallway she felt her phone vibrating. When she pulled it out of her pocket she saw Benjamin's name and quickly answered.

"Good evening Benjamin Warren," Miranda answered.

"Hey I have some news to tell you, are you still at the hospital?"

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