Missing You Part 2

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"Ben we can't find anything wrong but the seizures and headache are evident something is there. But since you're feeling better I'm going to discharge you with some seizure and migraine medications," Shepard shared.

"How will the medications effect him," Cynthia asked.

"Yes, you can experience a range of side effects like fatigue, dizziness, blurry vision."

"Derrick I am an anesthesiologist. I don't have time for these type of side effects," Ben voiced.

"Well I'm not clearing you to go back to work yet. We need to see if we can stop the headaches and seizures."

"Derrick did I also mention that I'm about to be a dad in two months."

"Ben respectfully, I doubt that either one of you are even close to struggling," Derrick said.

Ben blew his breath and rolled his eyes. "Well how long will he have to be out of work?" Cynthia asked.

"It's hard to say but because we don't know how often the seizures will come we need to be able to track them," Shepard said.

A few hours later Cynthia drove  Ben home and when they got in their apartment Ben went to the bedroom and he was quiet because he was thinking. He wasn't ready to be out of work or not be as active as he was use to being. But he could look forward to the baby coming since Cynthia would be eight months soon.

Later that night Ben couldn't sleep and he wanted someone to talk to. He hadn't talked to Miranda since his second day in the hospital. He thought they were restarting their friendship. He looked over at Cynthia sleeping and he rubbed her belly before he got up to call Miranda.

Miranda laid in bed reading a book when her phone rung. She picked it up and saw that it was Ben calling her. She quickly answered worried what could be wrong because it was late.


"Hey Miranda....sorry for calling you so late."

"What's wrong Ben?"

"I couldn't sleep and I needed someone to talk to. You were my best friend and talking to you has always been my favorite thing to do. I just miss being able to do that."

"I know I miss it too. And we're still best friends....just because situations got in between us doesn't mean we stopped being friends."

"Shepard told me I won't be able to resume my normal life for awhile and I'm struggling to grasp that. I'm scared that it's going to make me depressed."

"Well you will just have to find your new normal. The baby is coming soon so you can look forward to that. And find other ways to be active until you don't have to worry about seizures anymore."

"That's true. And I'm worried because all Cyn cares about is making sure I want to marry her. But honestly Miranda I'm not ready to get married."

"What! You....when I met you that's exactly what you were looking for so what changed?"

Ben paused before he gave Miranda an answer. Yes he did want to settle down but he knew now that it wasn't Cynthia who he wanted to settle down with. Yes they looked good together on paper but he didn't feel the connection he desired to have with his wife. It felt more like a business transaction taking place instead of love. And he knew that Miranda was who he could see himself settling down with. But he didn't want to look like he made a mistake.

"I guess I was rushing and didn't consider all the other things I needed."

"Well are you going to let her know or just hold your peace?"

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